EP. 7 - Acquaintances

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"Trunks... lost?"

"Wow! Who is that?!" Goku questioned excitedly in response in comparison to his friend, Krillin.

"What just...?" Videl's eyes were almost popping out of their sockets she was so surprised. She had short black hair, blue eyes, and was the teenage daughter of the World Martial Arts Champion, Hercule Satan.

Gohan, who was disguised as the Great Saiyaman, stared intently through his black sunglasses.

"Oh, right!" Gohan suddenly exclaimed, remembering something. He caught the attention of the others. "Kusuke messaged me a few days ago that his sister and her friend were coming to Earth. So that means... Ayin must actually be Niya!" He laughed, "How clever spelling her name backwards as a cover name!"

"Wow, I forgot she was about the boys' age already," Krillin scratched his head. "And I guess it's no surprise she's as strong as them too!"

"Seems like she's stronger to have beaten both Goten and Trunks," Goku chuckled. "Man, I wonder how many of those other saiyans can use Super Saiyan too! It's a bummer I won't be staying longer to fight them," he sighed and sulked.

"Fighting is really all you think about, huh?" Krillin smiled and crossed his arms at his best friend's comment.

"Yep! You know me. I live for a good fight!" Goku laughed.

Gohan smiled at hearing his father and Krillin laugh, sounding just like they did several years ago.

Videl listened, feeling lost. "A Super--what?"

Gohan flinched and turned to her, laughing nervously. "Don't worry about it! I don't know half the things they talk about!"

Videl didn't seem convinced but she dropped the topic for now.

All the while, Vegeta grit his teeth in anger that the daughter of Makona had beaten his son.

× × ×

Niya relaxed back into her base form, letting out a breath. She was tired from fighting so intensely almost back to back. Still, she jumped down the ring to where Trunks was sitting, his arms crossed and an annoyed yet angry expression on his face. He too had relaxed out of Super Saiyan.

"That was a good fight," Niya smiled at him. Her Mr. Satan shirt was a bit torn and she had a few scratches.

"Just who are you anyway?" Trunks questioned as he stood and dusted himself off.

"My real name is Niyata Briar," she confessed, "and I'm the Ayatan Saiyan... Princess."

"What?!" Trunks was taken aback. "I lost to a girl?!"

Niya smirked and placed her hands on her hips. "Yes. And not to just any girl. A Princess!" she boasted.

Trunks frowned and scoffed. "Whatever. You just got lucky."

"Maybe, maybe not," Niya giggled. "But I really enjoyed fighting you. I hope we can fight again someday." She then held her hand out for a handshake. "And I hope we can be friends, you know, since we're Princess and Prince," she smiled kindly.

Trunks stared silently and frowned. "Tch, whatever, sure," he turned away and began to walk back into the temple.

"Now, to follow that seat gripping action -- a special attraction!" the blond announcer began walking up into the arena with dumb founded Niya. "The winner of the Youth Division will battle the World Champion -- Hercule!"

Niya then smiled in excitement. Finally, she would be able to fight the strongest person on Earth!

The saiyaness looked around, trying to find the eccentric man whose image was plastered on her 'borrowed' and slightly ripped shirt.

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