EP. 19 - Ultimate Gohan

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"Buu really has gotten rid of everyone."

Gohan and Shin studied Earth silently for a moment, but Ayata felt its barrenness immediately.

"Oh no!" Gohan gasped. "I forgot to ask for a change of clothes!"

His company gave him a look.

"You're worried about a matter like that at a time like this?" Shin questioned.

"Piccolo's alive," Ayata told him. "Have him poof you some new clothes. He did it for you before, right? Before the Cell Games?"

"I guess you're right," he chuckled sheepishly.

Shin let out a breath. "Well, this is where I take my leave."

"Thank you for all that you've done, Supreme Kai," Gohan smiled and bowed his head respectfully.

"It has been a rather tumultuous journey, but I have faith all our efforts won't be for naught," he smiled back. "Best of luck."

Gohan waved. "Please tell the other Supreme Kai thank you as well."

"I will."

"So," Ayata started, "See you around, Shin."

He let it slide this one time. "Until we meet again."

And with that, the Supreme Kai was gone.

Gohan took a deep breath. "It's time."

"Yes," Ayata nodded. "Now, the Red Jewel is snug in your pocket? I don't want to fall out while you're flying with your new power."

"Yeah, don't worry," he assured her. "You ready?"

She smirked. "I'm ready."

Gohan felt the darkness radiating from her as her form glowed a brighter crimson and lost some of its shape. "I'll get him for what he's done," he clenched his fists until they cracked.

"I know you will," she nodded and returned inside the Red Jewel.

In an instant, Gohan was soaring towards Buu.


"Whoops," Gotenks tried laughing off his faded transformation.

Nikka composed herself. "That form really did a number on your fusion," she noted. "Good thing I've been conserving my energy," she stepped forward.

"Too weak," Buu reminded her with a grin.

She glared. "Stop saying that!!!" she exploded into Super Saiyan. The ground cracked underneath her from the sudden pressure, and the surrounding terrain trembled at her might.

"You know, that's not gonna–" Gotenks started but he gasped as he split back into Goten and Trunks.

"Great, now the fusion ran out!" Trunks exclaimed.

"Do you think we're gonna die now?" Goten questioned.

"But we're too young!"

Piccolo arrived beside them. "I doubt I can be of much help, but... at least we can die together."

"ENOUGH!" Nikka shouted, grabbing their attention. "I'm still here! I can still transform if I... try... hard enough!!" She yelled as she began to power up. "HaaaaAAAAA!"

Buu snickered and sat down. "Weak," he nodded off, falling asleep.

"Don't underestimate me!!!" Nikka continued to yell. Her power continued to expand, fueled by rage from their doubt and her desire for revenge.

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