EP. 10 - Stages

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Before Niya could do anything, Shin hurriedly used his powers to paralyze her in place. However, he greatly struggled as crimson energy began to radiate from her.

"Supreme Kai?" Goku questioned.

"Please," Shin pleaded through grit teeth, "someone move... the Princess away from the stone body..."

"I've got her!" Gohan called out and swooped in to carry Niya away. He was taken aback by the energy building up inside her and the fierce expression she wore.

Once they were a good distance away, Shin released the paralyzing power he was using on her, falling to his knees. He panted, trying to recover his strength.

"Supreme Kai!" Goku gasped and placed a hand on him to help him back up.

Niya flashed into Super Saiyan, crying out and squirming for Gohan to let her go. "He killed her!!"

Gohan was having trouble containing her, but he pulled her into a tight hug anyways. "I know. I'm sorry. Piccolo and Krillin are gone too..."

"She was my best friend...," Niya began to cry into his shirt as her anger subsided into grief.

Gohan felt grief for his friends as well but some anger gripped him.

Dabura laughed at their misery before disappearing into the spaceship.

Shin soon recovered and flew over to the young saiyans. "Your friends aren't lost forever," he said.

"Huh?" Niya peaked her watery eyes at him.

"Defeating Dabura will restore your friends, as long as their bodies haven't been shattered," Shin explained.

The Princess gasped and dropped to base form, finding hope.

"So that's all we have to do?" Goku smirked as he landed beside them. "Should be easy enough."

"Dad," Gohan started, "we're going after Dabura, right?"

"Of course. Let's go!" Goku curtly nodded before blasting inside the spaceship.

"Wait!!" Shin exclaimed. "This is exactly what they want!! Don't fall for their trap!!"

Gohan set Niya down. "Stay with the Supreme Kai if you want," he told her before going after his father.

Vegeta scoffed when Shin turned to him. "I'm not going to just stand here and do nothing," he smirked before heading into the ship as well.

Shin clenched his fists in frustration. "Those fools...," he shook his head.

"I'm fighting too."

He turned to the Princess, who was frowning with determined, sparkling eyes.

"You must especially not enter!!" he pleaded. "What if Babidi obtains possession of the Red Jewel--!"

"That won't happen," Niya assured. "I will protect Lady Ayata, and she will protect me," she declared.

There was a seriousness and confidence in her voice that even surprised Shin.

Finally, she turned to him. Her eyes glowed an iridescent crimson. "Let's go inside."

Shin swallowed hard, intimidated for some reason. "Very well. But please remember to heed my warning about transforming."

Niya nodded, and together, they entered the ship.

× × ×

The two landed in an open, circular room with a closed circular hatch on the circle of the floor.

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