EP. 11 - Evil in Our Hearts

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Dabura stared down amused at his opponent—a little girl. "Don't make this hard on yourself. Hand over the Red Jewel, and maybe we'll let you live."

Niya's power continued to increase, and she soon began to be encapsulated by crimson energy. "Never!" she grit her teeth. "I'll kill you and get Yucca back!"

Dabura laughed. "Very well. If you insist, child."

Niya placed a foot back, ready to pounce.

"Wait, Princess!" Shin exclaimed before anything transpired. "Please fight elsewhere. Fighting here could wake Majin Buu..."

She frowned and looked up. "Did you hear that, Babidi?"

Dabura waited patiently as the room morphed into a rocky terrain wasteland.

Gohan tensed as Niya got into a fighting position once more. He didn't feel right letting his best friend's little sister go up against a supposed Demon King.

"Niya—" he began, but she already blasted off for a direct punch.

Dabura stopped it with the palm of his hand, but he was surprised by the power behind it.

Her glare burned into his eyes as they glowed crimson, matching the shine of the Red Jewel.

Dabura frowned. All he needed was her tiara...

"Do you want a closer look?"

He cried out as the Princess pulled him down by the hand and headbutt him.

Dabura stumbled back, but the Princess didn't let up. She ran up for an uppercut to the jaw and spun-kicked him in the side, sending him flying into a mountain.

Niya frowned. "This can't be his true power."

Shin stared in awe. "Princess... you really are the ultimate Jewel Wielder..."

"Wow, Supreme Kai. And you were gettin' us all scared for this guy," Goku smiled with his arms folded behind his head.

Gohan let out a breath in relief.

Vegeta observed silently, brooding.

Niya dropped the crimson aura and began to near the crumbled mountain, more disappointed than angry.

The ground suddenly rumbled beneath them, and the debris began to glow a blinding white.

Niya gasped as slashes of white energy erupted everywhere around them. She jumped around them, but once one skimmed her arm, she held her hands out to form a crimson barrier.

The slashes ricocheted off her barrier until the attacker ceased.

She dropped her barrier once Dabura revealed himself.

He glared. "A child has hit me? It won't happen again!!"

Niya observed the minor cut on her forearm. With her ki, she healed it. But she was also angry he scathed her.

"Then come back here and prove it," Niya frowned and yelled out as she transformed into a Super Saiyan.

Dabura was surprised at her form but glared in determination of a successful battle. "You've been warned, little girl."

Niya matched his glare, and in the blink of an eye, they were in the air in clashes.

"I-Incredible," Shin gasped, eyes wide.

Gohan felt the continuous urge to jump in. When he was about to, Goku placed a hand on his shoulder. "Not yet. She's still doing fine," his father assured him.

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