EP. 23 - The Power of Earth

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Hercule cried out when Niya landed on top of him. "Right... on... my...!"

Niya ignored him and hurried to get up and look around. A part of her still hoped Yucca was still alive by some miracle, but nothing. Not even the faintest sign. Her friend was dead for real this time.

She covered her face as tears welled up again.

"We made it just in time, but the Earth... everyone...," Goku crouched on ground, pained by the loss of his sons.

Vegeta looked down at his unconscious son. He had been the most fortunate, he realized. "I don't understand why that Android chose to save this lot instead of the others."

Dende hung his head in guilt. He wasn't at all strong enough to help them fight any foe, neither was Hercule or Marron.

"He should've helped Yucca," Niya finished wiping her eyes. "But now the Earth is gone, right?"

"Yes," Old Kai nodded grimly. "The Earth is gone. Blown to bits."

"Destroyed? But we're standing on it, aren't we?! Senile, old coot...," Hercule laughed.

Dende proceeded to scold him and explain how he could not be so rude to the Supreme Kai.

Marron began to cry. "Where's Uncle Sixteen?"

Goku gathered his bearings and went over to pick up his best friend's daughter. "He's gone at the moment, but we'll take good care of you. I'm a friend of your daddy."

"You know my daddy?" Marron sniffled.

"Yep! Since we were little kids!" Goku flashed her a smile.

Marron stared at him curiously.

"The dragon balls are gone, too, aren't they?" Niya asked.

Vegeta frowned. "The Earth and the dead will never come back. The dragon balls were our last hope, and now they're space dust."

"What? Why are there dragon balls on Earth?!" Old Kai exclaimed. "Only the Namekians are supposed to have them!"

At the talk of dragon balls, Dende lit up with an idea. "Oh, that's it!!" he exclaimed. "Go to Planet Namek! Surely the new Elder will make more dragon balls! The Earth and all those killed can still be resurrected!"

"Oh, right!" the Princess brightened up, remembering hearing the story from her mother.

"But Dende," Goku started, "Planet Namek is so far, and the Namekians have small ki. I'm not sure if I can teleport over there..."

Niya was about to volunteer her ship, but she remembered Yucca had all their capsules. She was saddened once more.

Although Shin was confused, he mentioned he could teleport to any planet because he fused with Kibito, and therefore, acquired this ability.

Old Ksi however refuted the plan as he insisted the dragon balls should only be used by the Namekians.

Goku thought before whispering to Niya. "Hey, can you transform into that Ayata lady for a second?"

The Princess was too saddened to refuse. "Yeah, sure," she replied deflatedly. In a few moments, she finished transforming into Lady Ayata.

"What do you want? I was resting," she glared.

"Alright, this is great!" Goku brightened up, disregarding her comments. "Look, Supreme Kai! Here's that woman I promised would give you a kiss!" He pushed her over.

"Goku, I'm not in the mood," Ayata growled.

Old Kai was taken aback, "Where did this woman come from?"

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