EP. 17 - Battle in the Time Chamber

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Yucca laid on the plain, white ground, panting and wincing at her physical pain. Niya sat beside her, also catching her breath.

"Wow, you really pushed your Super Saiyan that time!" Niya smiled.

"Is it supposed to hurt this badly?" Yucca struggled to sit up.

"Mm... I don't remember."

Yucca sighed.

"Don't be mad. We have to keep training hard," Niya became serious. "I wonder when Piccolo and Majin Buu will get here."

Yucca wondered as well. She glanced over at where the boys were also temporarily resting. "I know we won't like it, but... we're going to have to start working together."

"But they're mean," Niya whined.

"It doesn't matter," Yucca frowned. "Buu will see that we don't work well together. He'll use it against us, and we'll lose."

Niya pulled her knees to her chest. "You're right..."

"Of course I am," the older saiyaness stood. "Hopefully the boys will listen," she walked over.

The Princess hurried to follow.

"Trunks, Goten," Yucca stared calmly as she reached them. Her friend poked her head out from behind her.

"Huh?" Goten looked up at them.

"What do you want?" Trunks crossed his arms.

"We need to start training together," she stated.

"What do you mean we 'need' to?" Trunks questioned. "We're way ahead of you two."

"Okay, how about this: what are you going to do if your fusion isn't enough?"

"Tch, it will be. We've got the perfect plan."

"That's right!" Goten added. "We've got our Ultra Super Saiyan—!"

Trunks hurried to cover his mouth.

Yucca sighed. "Why can't you understand if we fail, we're going to—"

"Kids, listen to me."

Niya, Yucca, Trunks, and Goten froze in place.

"It's me, Piccolo," the voice assured them. "I'm speaking directly into your minds."

"Wow. Even from in here?" Niya questioned.

"Listen to me!" Piccolo shouted. "You're going to have to fight Buu earlier than expected. We're on our way right now."

"But we just ended fusion!" Goten gasped.

"Don't panic," Piccolo assured them. "I'm leading him on a detour to gain as much time for you as I can. You must rest your bodies right now! Go to bed!"

Yucca frowned. "But—"

"I don't think I can stall him for more than a minute, so you'll have six hours. Understand?"

"Heh," Trunks smirked. "Six hours will be plenty!"

"Good," Piccolo answered. "Be prepared."

After a moment, Piccolo no longer spoke.

"I don't think we can train together and sleep good in six hours...," Niya remarked.

"If only we had more time," Yucca groaned.

"Stop worrying," Trunks stood with Goten. "If you're too chicken to fight Buu, we'll beat him ourselves!"

Goten rubbed his eyes. "Hey, Trunks. We should use that sleep. I'm pretty tired after fusion."

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