EP. 22 - The True Monster

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"Huh? Hold on!" Goku looked down at himself. "We split in two? But the Old Supreme Kai said we'd be fused forever!"

"So you said," Vegeta pulled off his Potara. "But I'm glad it wore off. We were fused together for too long as it was."

"Hey, wait! Don't take it off!" Goku advised. "I bet we can fuse again once we leave Buu's body."

"Hmph," Vegeta smirked and crushed the Potara, letting the pieces slip through his fingers.

"Vegeta! Why'd you go and do that?!" Goku gasped.

"There's no more need."

"Augh–We don't know that!" he emphasized. "There's no guarantee we can save everybody and turn Buu back into his first form!"

"You," Vegeta turned to the Princess. "Have you found any bodies yet?"

"N-No," Niya hung her head. "Yucca and I have been attacking Buu from in here so you guys could beat him faster. But I don't know if Yucca has found anyone..."

"I see," Vegeta glanced around. "Then, let's start looking. It'll only be a matter of time before Buu realizes he didn't absorb us either."

The Prince took off in a direction, and Goku and Niya saw no other option but to follow.


Yucca halted, processing the scene before her. In four pink pods, there were Piccolo, Trunks, Goten, and even Gohan! "Buu got to Gohan, too," she frowned. "Now, how should I..."

She held a hand out, her thoughts racing. Buu was probably already suspicious of the pain they were inflicting on him, and how he hadn't used any power from the Red Jewel. She would take his power away from least to greatest in order to draw the least amount of attention for the longest.

"Okay. I guess the weakest would be...," Yucca stepped over in front of Goten's pod.

The boy was peacefully sleeping, oblivious to everything that was going on.

"I hope this won't hurt you," Yucca climbed on top of the pod, reached into her boot, and clicked a device open to reveal a short blade. She reached up and cut off the top stalk of the pod. They fell, and she climbed over to cut off the bottom stalk.

She looked up, sensing Buu's ki diminish.

"Huh?" she heard Buu question.

"I need to hurry!" Yucca then hurried to cut out Trunks, and once again the Majin's power decreased.

The ground beneath her began to tremble, knocking her over. "No! I need to get–!"

"I've got it."

Yucca looked up to see Goku reaching to pull free Gohan, and Vegeta pulled Piccolo free.

"Yucca!!" Niya hugged her. "We found you!!"
The older saiyaness blinked. "So that fused man was Goku and Vegeta after all."

"Huh? You knew?"

"He was wearing gloves like Vegeta," Yucca noted, getting to her feet.

"Observant one," Vegeta remarked.

"But you're–?"

"Dead, yes. It doesn't matter now. We need to get out of here," the Prince grabbed his son's pod. Meanwhile, Goku grabbed his sons' pods.

Niya peaked a little further in the corridor and noticed another pod. "Hey, there's someone else over there!" she hurried over.

"Another one?" Yucca followed after her.

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