Part 7

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Once again, reporters line the street attacking students as they make their way to school, asking questions, hungry for that teenage insight. Dewey's patrol jeep cruises by, gaining everyone's awareness with his siren blasting out loud. Gracie watches from the passenger's window, seeing every student had their eyes on them.

Dewey pulls up in front of the school, quickly to help Gracie open her door which he got a polite thank you. Tatum hops out while Sidney lingers, suddenly unsure. Gracie takes notice of the girl's expression, "Hey, it's school. You'll be safe here."

Sidney forces herself out of the jeep as a microphone is shoved in her face. "How does it feel to almost be brutally butchered?" Dewey leaps from the car, intercepting the reporter, "Leave the girl alone, will ya? She wants to go to school." Sidney eyes the news van that's pulled up behind her.

The side door slides open and Gale Weathers steps out. Sidney clearly need to want to talk with the older woman as she spoke quietly to Tatum before rushing off the Gale.

Gracie looks at Sidney's back, seeing nothing fun is happening here, "I need to go first. I left some things in my locker, is that fine?"

"Yeah, sure honey. Come right back, we got to stick together," Tatum ruffles Gracie's hair gently before waving the girl off.

Gracie quickly walks into the school hallways her eyes roaming around to look for two specific people, Stuart and Billy. As Gracie wander around she had to keep her innocent act and wish everyone a good morning, even having to stop to converse a small conversation.

While Gracie is forced into a random conversation with people, she barely cares to remember their faces or name, she felt a very familiar pair of arms suddenly wrapped around her before a chin is placed on her head.

"We're stealing her," That voice would only belong to Stuart as he lifts her up and over his shoulder as he walks down the hall without waiting for a response from the people Gracie was talking with.

As Gracie hung upside down on Stuart's shoulder, she met with Billy walking by them, presenting her a lopsided smile. "Hey, Gracie. Did you miss us?"

Gracie huffed out her cheeks, crossing her arms, "I'll miss you if Stu puts me down, all the blood is rushing to my face and making me dizzy here." The two giggled before he released her onto the floor. "Good morning, sunshine."

She sarcastic smiles at them.

"How was your night in jail, by the way, got new friends?" Gracie jokes at Billy as she fixed her shirt from riding up, and Stuart snickers at her comment. Billy looked straight ahead, "It was long, but it was interesting," He shrugs his shoulders, not really bothered.

As they talk about random things, Gracie's eyes catch Sidney and Tatum walking in the school hallway, far from them to notice the three. The two had their arms around each other, laughing so hard they were shaking that was until they made eye contact with them.

Billy notices where Gracie's gaze was, letting out an annoyed sigh as Stuart smirks at the girls' reaction. "This is going to be so fun, isn't it?" Stuart bump his shoulder with Gracie, knowing Billy and Sidney would have to talk soon.

"This is it, man. The big show! The big reveal! We're finally gonna be- Ow!" Stuart got cut off by Billy hitting his side. Gracie chuckles, the hallway is congested with students heading to classes as Tatum guides Sidney to her locker.

Gracie hooks her arm around Billy and Stuart's arms, standing between them. Gracie guided the boys simultaneously with the crowd, making their way to their girlfriends at the locker as she whispers, "I wonder, does this mean you two broke up?" Her question aims at Billy.

While it clearly was a blunt question, Billy did not flinch as he turned to face Gracie, giving her his full attention. Billy looked into her eyes of hazel, "You would like that wouldn't you?" Stuart decided to cut in the teasing aim to Gracie, "Well, she didn't like the idea of us dating them at first anyway." Stuart snorts and tugs on Gracie's arm, making her roll her eyes, not denying it nor agreeing with the statement.

They reached Sidney and Tatum's locker, the crowd is still moving along as Billy put out a solemn look to Sidney, "Hi, Sid. Can we talk a sec?"

Stuart had pulled Gracie over to his side as he leans against Tatum's locker, leaving Billy and Sidney in front of them like watching a live drama show. Stuart would randomly fiddle with things in Tatum's locker when he found nothing interesting to do.

Gracie watch as Sidney says nothing, the girl can barely look at him. Tatum had to intervene, "You know if I were accused of carving up two people, I'd take the opportunity to skip school." Tatum's eyes met with Billy's, it was sharp and ready to attack.

Stuart pulled Tatum into his chest, cooling his girlfriend down, "Hey, go easy, Tatum. He didn't do it." While Billy chooses to ignore them and attempts to make Sidney talk with him, Gracie chuckles to herself at the little tension building up between them all.

Suddenly, a scream erupts, all eyes to a ghost masked student running down the hall, screaming wildly, running amuck. The masked student went up to them, shoving its face at Gracie who slightly finch before giggling.

"Why are they doing this?" Sidney rubs her bare arm, feeling small as the masked student walks away, continuing its terrifying at other students and teachers in the hallway.

"Are you kidding? This is like Christmas!-" Stu yelled out, sticking his long tongue out until Billy punches Stu in the side, "You open your mouth and stupidity pours out." Stu yelped as he looked at Billy, moving his pout to Gracie for attention at his wound.

Billy gave him a scowl before glancing at Gracie. With a sly smile on her lips, she said, "They don't feel targeted to this serial killer, which makes it easy for them to go around making fun of it. It's just their way of dealing with it."

Sidney, clearly upset, takes off down the ball. Gracie had to secretly nudge his clothes before Billy races off after her. "Stay away from her, Billy!" Tatum slams her locker shut as the bell, she was about to chase after her friend until Gracie had a hold on her arm, "You guys have a free period, right. Can you look over my cheer routine and tell me how it looks?"

Tatum let her eyes wander down the hallways where Sidney and Billy went off to and then at Gracie. "Yeah, I would love to! You performing around jumping in a miniskirt, it's like a dream- Ow!" Stuart imminently shuts up when Tatum hits the back of his head and scowls at him, "Have you forgotten your girlfriend is here?"

Tatum pouted, flinging her hair at Stuart's face before walking away, Stuart had given Gracie an annoyed look as if telling her that he couldn't take any more of Tatum before chasing after her in the act of what a boyfriend would do.

𝕹𝖔𝖙 𝕴𝖓 𝕸𝖞 𝕸𝖔𝖛𝖎𝖊! - Scream 1 (1996) ✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt