Part 9

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S͓̽chool is clearing out. The school is officially shutting down. The halls have begun to empty as Tatum escorts Sidney and Gracie down the hallway, "It was just some sick fuck having a laugh." Tatum tells as she accompanies them out of the building.

Tatum had embraced Gracie tightly as she kept her eyes on Sidney's state. "You ok?" Tatum asked. "Yeah, I didn't see anything just frightened by the sudden rush," Gracie replied as she nodded.

Stuart had appeared out of nowhere, taking Gracie in his arm as he twirls her around causing the giggles to come out. Tatum took the chance to hold Sidney's arm now since Stuart would focus on Gracie.

Stuart delicately placed Gracie back on her feet, his eyes were now on Sidney. "Whatever you did, the entire student body thanks you." He said as he winked at Sidney. Stuart moves to Tatum and gives her a kiss, "And to celebrate this impromptu fall break, I propose we have a Halloween party. Tonight, my house."

Sidney frowned, she hated the idea and how cheerfully Stuart was after the scare situation, "Are you serious?" she asked before looking at Tatum and she notice how Tatum was warming up to the idea of the party.

"My parents are out of town. It'll be like my hurricane bash last year. Nothing extreme. Just a few of us, hangin'." Stuart glanced at Gracie, her plan wasn't going to work if Sidney isn't going to be there. Sidney is the female protagonist of her plan.

Gracie decided to step up and persuade Sidney when Tatum wasn't able to, "I think it's a great idea, the party we'll loosen you up a bit. A lot has been happening plus with the numbers, the killer won't be able to do anything." Gracie put her hand upon Sidney's shoulder, "Come, Sidney, it'll be fun."

Sidney considers trying hard to be good-spirited and Gracie's words made her give in to the idea, "Yeah, okay... whatever." Tatum cheered as she embraced Sidney tightly, the girl didn't notice when Gracie look away her face distorted into a maniac desiring some action.

Stuart placed his hands around Gracie's shoulder, everyone walks down the street, casually talking about something random. Stuart had suddenly gotten a message from his phone, taking it out as he type around with it. Gracie distracted Tatum and Sidney from Stuart as they talk about the costume they were going to wear tonight.

After a few minutes, Stuart lean into Gracie's ears, "Got to go, need to hang something." Gracie got the message quickly as she moved closer to Sidney, keeping Tatum and Sidney with her. Stuart went placing a quick kiss on Tatum before leaving the girls behind.

┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬

The late afternoon sun is quickly disappearing. Tatum, Gracie, and Sidney rock on the front porch of Tatum's house looking out onto the small-town neighborhood. Dewey's patrol jeep is parked in the driveway.

Despite the loud music, blaring from an inside stereo, this is a quiet moment for the girls as they try to catch their breaths from the occurred event in school and the sudden of the Halloween party.

The quietness changes drastically when Tatum addresses Sidney's mother's killer, mostly about the comment Sidney and Gracie heard in the bathroom stall, "Maybe Cotton Weary is telling the truth. Maybe he is having an affair with your mom."

Sidney slightly glare at her friend, "So you think my mom was a slut too?" she said in a rude tone. Gracie cut in before a fight started, "She didn't say that, Sid. But you know their ware rumor. Your dad was always out of town on business. Maybe your mom was a... very unhappy woman."

Sidney didn't look at her friend as she turned her face to the street. This was a side, "If they were having an affair how come Cotton couldn't prove it in court?" she was a little bit curious to know. Gracie looked at Sidney with a look like she was trying not to be rude to Sidney, "You can't prove a rumor. That's why it's a rumor."

Tatum and Sidney exchange a look. "Created by that little tabloid twit Gale Weathers." Sidney spat out, Tatum delicately putting in her words, "It goes further back, Sid. There's been talk about other men."

"And you believe it?" Sidney asked as she crossed her arms on her chest. Tatum responded, "Well... you can only hear that Richard Gere-gerbil story so many times before you have to start believing it."

A long silence as Sidney agonizes over all of this. She stands up and moves to the edge of the porch and stares out onto the neighborhood, "If I was wrong about Cotton, then he's still out there."

"Don't go there, Sid. You're starting to sound like some Wes Carpenter flick. Don't freak yourself out... we've got a long night ahead of us."

Gracie had her mouth open, she was about to speak until a horn was honked caught everyone's attention. Turning her head to see her father presenting her with the best smile from the car window. Gracie let out an annoyed sigh, it was caught by Tatum and Sidney as they watch the girl lazily pick up her bag to head to the car.

Gracie didn't bother seating in the passenger seat instead went to the back. "We'll see you at the party!" Tatum yelled out, waving at Gracie.

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