Part 18

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"W͓̽hy did you kill my mother?" Stuart and Gracie glance at each other at Sidney's question. They both didn't have a reason for choosing Sidney's mother as their first kill, it was Billy that gave the suggestion. Gracie did the planning while Stuart did the heavy work with Billy. The look in Billy's eyes enraged with flames at the question.

"Why? WHY!? Did you hear that, guys? I think she wants a motive. Hmmm, I don't really believe in motives, Sid. I mean, did Norman Bates have a motive?" Billy asked, his voice filled with mock innocence as he questioned Sidney. Stuart responds to his question as he plays along, shaking his head, "Nope."

"And did they really ever explain why Hannibal Lecter liked to eat people? Don't think so. You see, it's scarier when there's no motive, Sid." Billy's voice was filled with glee as he spoke, but Sidney hesitantly shake her head and challenged her tears, "I-I don't understand."

"We did your mom a favor, Sid. The woman was a slut bag whore who flashed her shit all over town like she was Sharon Stone or something." Billy scoffed, rolling his eyes as his mind swelled with the image of Mrs. Prescott. Wanting to come down his fire, he walked over to Gracie, pulling her into his chest from behind as he took in her sweet aromatic scent.

This action caused Gracie to drop her bowl of popcorn, pouting like a child but giggling when Billy's hair tickles her nape. Stuart steps up to them, dropping Mr. Prescott lazily onto the marble floor as he sniggers at Sidney's face, "... so we put her out of her misery. I mean, let's face it, your mom was no Sharon Stone." Stuart cracks up over this while Billy turns very serious, moving Gracie closer to him, "Is that motive enough for you? Or how about this?"

Gracie moved out from Billy's hold when his psychotic dementor wasn't able to tempt his anger down, his knife inches away from Sidney's throat as it's urging just to stab her right there and then "Did you know your slut mother was sleeping with my dad and she's the reason my mom moved out and deserted me."

Stuart had wrapped Gracie in his arms now, a sudden silence. Sidney is rigid with shock, and Billy's words resonant with truth. Even Stuart is surprised by his seriousness, as he whispers into Gracie's ear, "Did you know about this?" Gracie glanced up at Stuart's face, his eyes had slight jealousy for not finding things out sooner, "No, I didn't. I just caught on it over the months." Stuart nods his head, understanding as he kisses her forehead.

"Think about it. On the off chance I get caught... a motive like that could divide a jury for years, don't you think? You took my mother, so I took yours. Big sympathy factor..." Billy was getting deeper and deeper into his words, his voice like death as he speaks, "Maternal abandonment causes serious deviant behavior. It certainly fucked you up. It made you have sex with a psychopath."

Stuart burst out laughing at remembering that Sidney was no longer a virgin and memorizing Randy's rules in each horror movie survival tip, "That's right and now that you're no longer a virgin. You gotta die, those are the rules, right babe?" Stuart glances down at Gracie and kisses her neck as she nods her head in agreement.

"Exactly. I mean, you saw what happened to victims who have sex in a horror movie, " Gracie brought her thumbs to her neck, making a slicing motion, indicating they are dead. Billy laughs at Gracie's notion, no matter how psychotic the girl would be or how her craziness matches his and Stuart, there was something adorable in everything she does. Stuart would most definitely agree with him.

Stuart sits the gun down on the table near the foyer dragging Gracie with him, his eyes watch as Billy then moves to Sidney with the butcher knife in hand as he asked, "Pretend this is all just a scary movie, Sid. How do you think it's going to end?"

Sidney doesn't respond so Stuart took it himself to do so since Sidney wasn't matching their energy here, "This is the best part, Sid. Gracie's got it all figured out. Why do you think we kept your father alive so long? Why did we save you for last?"

Sidney glance at the smaller girl in the kitchen, she doesn't seem to have ounce care about what was happening as she fiddles with the camera. But knowing Gracie long enough, Sidney knows this was all planned by the girl, Gracie has always been intelligent behind her innocent mask. It was what made her so attractive to everyone, her mind always surprises all.

Billy brought back Sidney's attention to him, "You know what time it is, Sid? It's after midnight. It's your mother's anniversary. We killed her exactly one year ago today." Billy turns to Stuart with the knife. They eye each other. Stuart nods his head, "I'm ready, Billy."

Billy pulls the knife back and brings it forward quickly, slicing into Stuart who stumbles to his knees, wincing in pain but his laughter never dying out. Sidney screams as blood gushes, real blood, a dark, deep red. Gracie hops over to Stuart her camera on the clear wound and blood as she and Stuart inspect the injury to his side.

Stuart chuckled, "Good one. My turn." Stuart takes the knife from Billy, and both stood hard, standing still, ready to strike again. "Don't forget... stay to the side and don't go too deep." Billy had to remind Stuart, seeing the clear excitement in Stuart's eyes, that when he gets too excited, Stuart can be out of control.

"Again! Again! Again!" Gracie claps her hand repeatedly as she jumps from her spot, like a child who had seen its first play. Stuart chuckles, taking a step back before he stabs at Billy's stomach, puncturing him. Billy hisses in pain, "Jesus... fuck, that hurt."

Gracie giggles out like a child, stepping in between the two, "My turn!" Gracie went to take the knife from Stuart, ready to hurt herself as stated in the plan but Stuart had put a distance between the sharp object and her, "No, No, princess. Remember, you don't get your fun until the end." With a slight chuckle, Stuart takes the knife and throws it to Billy who caught it.

Billy chuckled, raising his free blood-filled hand to Gracie's cheek, trailing his blood across her lush lips, "You have to be patient, love. Those who are, get the best, remember?" Billy pulled her to him, the bloody hand wrapped tight as he kissed her, "Now, why don't you help create the scene," Gracie giggled in the kiss, nodding her head to agree as she took the knife.

As Gracie walked up to Stuart, he let his arms out open for her, smirking at each other before she takes the knife and slashed at Stuart's arm, two quick cuts. "STOP IT!" Sidney had yelled trying to stop the gruesome scene before her.

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