Part 22

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S͓̽heriff Burke had lasted his gaze on Gale and Sidney, showing that the two are one of those people's names being written. Mr. Prescott had brought his daughter into an embrace went Sidney had shivered at the information.

Suddenly a policeman walked in dragging a tv on a stroll, he left it in the middle for Sidney, Mr. Prescott, Gale, and Randy to see. "You might want to see this," Sheriff Burke gesture for the policeman to leave before taking out a tape which Gale instantly wheezes out, "T-That's my tape from the camera."

Sheriff Burke disregard the woman, pushing the tape into the Tv recorder, it buzzes while before it showed a blank black screen but three familiar voices of wanted killers are heard.

"What the heck are you- Fuck!"

"Hold still, it's not easy jamming a needle, you know."

"Do you think my mum is going to ground me, after this?"

It recapitulates like that as the three voices overlap each other, even the sound of the clear car engine driving could be heard. Everyone was confused facing the Tv screen until it finally shows a display, a really close-up of blue pair of eyes. "Stuey, you got the camera too close to your eye."

The uncultivated chuckle is heard as the eyes squint, stretching the camera off his eyes, it shows a distinct image of Stuart Macher, still all bloody up and gashed although seeming to be sufficient energy than before. He waves at the camera, penetrating out his tongue, "Miss me?!"

"The fuck, dude? Where the hell is- Ow!" Stuart rolled his eyes before panning the camera at Billy who is in the driver's seat without a shirt and solely his leather jacket, prompting the car. Gracie can be detected on his lap seating sideways facing Stuart who is in the passenger seat, her costume has been evacuated and is entirely in Billy's shirt, a needle and thread in hand as she connects skins of the deep cut on Billy's chest.

"How's he doing, doc? Heck, you might be the hottest doctor on this planet!" Gracie giggles at Stuart's compliment before cutting the thread with her teeth, delivering Billy's chest a kiss before concentrating on Stuart and the camera while Billy is on the road. "Since the patients are all stitched up. Anything you would like to say, Doctor Smith?"

Gracie did a thinking motion at Stuart's question before her perceptions linger on the camera lens, extracting it closer to her which Stuart arranged to be, "Hey, Sid... Randy... Gale... Hm, who else? Mr. Prescott and... Dewey." Gracie's eyes blacken as the number of victims seems to grow, "That's a lot of people we let go today."

Billy and Stuart glance at each other, comprehending the girl is enraged at this. They started becoming silent, as a child would when they know there are in trouble. But Gracie was never one to publish her anger at people, always preferring to pent them up in her scenario-making.

Gracie bites her lips, licking imperceptibly too, "Don't worry, this is my movie. And I get a say who dies and who lives. I bet you guessed which category you belong to."

Billy had ultimately stopped the car somewhere; they couldn't see where since Stuart was still focusing on Gracie's face as if forgotten his motive and was fundamentally gawking at the girl's messed-up state that she was able to pull off.

Billy walked out of the car clutching hands with Gracie as he guides them outside, leaning against the car hood with Gracie in front of him in his arms. Stuart came after, recording them with the camera, "What about you, Billy. Got anything to say to little old Sidney?"

Billy rolled his eyes, "The next time I see her, I won't hesitate to slice her into pieces. I'll play dirty if I have to." Stuart influenced the camera up, stretching his arm out so that everyone was on screen, placing himself beside Billy as Gracie reach out to hold his free hand.

"Well you heard it, folks, those are the inside words from the most wanted serial killer, currently. If you find any signs or clues of their whereabouts, the police urge you to contact them imminently. That is all from me, signing out, Stuart Macher, everyone." Stuart impersonates Gale's way of reporting but more horribly before sticking out his tongue.

Moving the camera to Gracie's hold who took it, "Let's have one last says with the mastermind herself," Billy and Stuart plant their chin on each of Gracie's shoulders, requiring her to be part of the closing.

Gracie who usually smirks smiles, or even hums a cheerful tune to herself despite being in her worse state, here she was with a chilled emotionless grimace as she tips her head somewhat. It caused everyone reacting to her to quiver.

"Sidney, you're watching this, right? Everyone that survived too? You're my characters in my play now. Not... Not ever, in my movie are you getting out alive," Gracie let a smile grow, it was so sweet and innocent it would be misjudged by a lot of people who didn't know her dark side, "Stay tuned..."

Gracie threw the camera to the concrete ground, shattering the lens slightly as Stuart screeched from the background could be apprehended, "Heck yeah! Everyone's going to be in the sequel!"

The camera captures Billy walking up to it, bending down with his gun in the hold, Stuart could be observed in the background, tugging Gracie into a passionate make-out session. Billy chuckle darkly at the camera, his grin reaching to his eyes, "... Can't wait." he brought the gun up to the camera and indecently shoots it dead.

The Tv blank out, Sheriff Burke exerted the tape out, storing it thoughtfully on his desk as it's now evidence, "We found the car at an abandoned warehouse, all empty and hollow as if no one was even there before. All trace ends there. They are out there... alive, I'm afraid."

The room becomes quiet, too reserved. No one apprehended what to say or do. This wasn't progressing to end without deaths. And no one knew when they would strike next.

-The End-

𝕹𝖔𝖙 𝕴𝖓 𝕸𝖞 𝕸𝖔𝖛𝖎𝖊! - Scream 1 (1996) ✅Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon