Part 8

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G͓̽racie is with Billy currently; it's their 5th period and their teacher had called in sick. Stuart would have joined them but he needed to mend Tatum's jealousy of his previous comment. Sidney was also going to join but knowing Billy was there, she changes her mind so agile.

They were seated on a random bench in the hallway, Gracie leaning her back against Billy's chest as the male explain his conversation with Sidney which seem to only anger the girl. Billy had his eyes closed, seemingly lost in thought, but Gracie could feel the heat of his body through her shirt.

Gracie chews on her bubblegum, randomly blowing a bubble only to pop them in the air, watching it shoot away from her. She was slightly bored with today's event, nothing fun was happening. She could feel Billy's warm breath on her cheek as he looked down at her, he had this wicked grin that Gracie knows he is craving some killing spree.

Gracie chuckles, raising her hand to softly tap his cheeks before drifting more into Billy's chest, "Patient, the next kill is all yours." She takes his hand and lays it on her shoulder, causing his hand to caress her soft skin slightly.

His head leans down to Gracie's face, they were inches apart from lip locking and it's about to happen until Gracie's sharp eyes catch Sidney's back and disappear through the girl's bathroom. Billy choose to ignore it even with Gracie warning him that they were in public, his right hand was inches away from Gracie's chin pulling her head up to meet their lips together.

Billy's lips were soft and gentle as they pressed on hers, unlike his hand which was rough and tight on her neck.

Gracie decided to let Billy have his fun with her, being submissive in his hold for a few minutes before she stops him with a sweet kiss on the lips. Billy's hand slowly drifts down her stomach, pulling her up to seat properly. Gracie went to pick up her bag when she heard something pop, looking at Billy seeing her chewing gum was now in his mouth as he casually blows a bubble and then popped it. She couldn't help but chuckle.

She stood up, bending to peck Billy's forehead, "You should get ready, your victim awaits," she giggled at her words before walking off in the opposite direction. Billy rolled his eyes, he had to admit that was a good one. He wouldn't have to worry about her.

Gracie walked up to the girl's bathroom where Sidney had walked in before, she was able to overhear a conversation with two random girls, "Cut her some slack. She watched her mum get butchered."

She rose an eyebrow, standing before the door as she grins. Sidney must be hiding in the stall overhearing all this too. "And it fucked her up royally. Think about it. It makes perfect sense. Her mum's death leaves her distraught and hostile at a cruel and inhumane world, she's disillusioned, where's God, etc. Completely suicidal. And one day she snaps. She wants to kill herself but realizes teen suicide is out this year. And homicide is a much healthier therapeutic expression."

Gracie waited for a moment, seeing that whole fake plot being said must already crack Sidney. Gracie walked into the girl's bathroom, surprising the two gossiping girls. One girl looked up, and her face had a shocked look, the other was too stunned.

"And where do you get this shit, Loire?" Gracie crossed her arms, the girls were visibly scared and worried, Gracie is known to be protective of her friends despite holding an innocent image in school.

Since Gracie is the head of the cheerleaders and teacher's pet, she could easily get out of the team or even be suspended for a few days with her comment on Sidney.

"Leave." Gracie didn't have to say much as the two girls scurried out of the bathroom. once the clear sound of the door was closed Gracie called out for Sidney to come out, Sidney moves out of the stall, catching eyes with Gracie. "You ok?" Gracie asked, Sidney, shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You shouldn't listen to them; their IQ is lower than the dirt they walk on." Sidney was able to smile at Gracie's words; she didn't believe in their theory but that doesn't mean their words didn't hurt.

Gracie looks around the bathroom, water drips somewhere from a leaky pipe as wind whistles in from the cracked transom above the bathroom door. Gracie covertly frowns as Sidney busies herself in front of the mirror, there was someone else there and Gracie knows it's not part of any of her plans.

She glances at Sidney, before falsifying a smile, this wasn't part of her plan but it will boost a faster process to it, "I'll leave you be, I got to head to class now." She left the bathroom; Sidney was now alone in the bathroom.

Gracie didn't go far, she purposely waited at the same bench she had previously seated with Billy. Looking at her wristwatch as she counted the second down.

When it hit exactly 1 minute 10 seconds, Sidney flies out of the bathroom door screaming her lungs out, burning up the hallway, not looking back. When her eyes land on Gracie, in instinct she grabs hold of Gracie's hand and drags her along with her.

A teacher, hearing her scream, peers out from an open doorway as Sidney sprints by him with a confused-looking Gracie but her eyes held slight panic to it, not stopping Sidney was running madly with Gracie in her trails.

Sidney didn't stop until they hastened into the principal's office, Sidney was panting heavily, in a whisper she spoke "He's here... I saw him... He's here..." Mr. Himbry rushes to them, his arms outreached, "Easy child."

Sidney collapses in his arms while Gracie was visibly shaking like a leaf in the wind. "What happened, Gracie?" Mr. Himbry asked. "S-Sidney said s-she saw the killer, i-in the girl's bathroom." Mr. Himbry's mouth dropped and his eyes grew large while letting out a sigh, he knew this was another student prank but seeing Gracie and Sidney like this, he decided.

"I'm shutting the school down for a few days."

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