"What's life with Boruto Uzumaki is like?"

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Boruto would spent most of his academic days just hanging out with his main few friends: Inojin, Metal Lee, Denki and Shikadai.

Of course this was all monitored by Mitsuki himself.

Sometimes Boruto would encounter Sarada and spent most of the time just argureing or picking fights until either Sumire or Chocho would split up the fights.

These names were more students of the academy in Boruto's class that Mitsuki got to meet and speak to most of the time.

Even the constant drop out: Iwabe. He was agressive against Boruto at first and Mitsuki would contuine to try to kick his ass for it every time.

But soon Boruto and him fought and afterwards, made good friends. They help eachother study too.

Iwabe was also now mostly nice to everybody else in the class, and he even had time with Mitsuki.

But all in all, Mitsuki's still favourite and only favourite amougst everybody was Boruto.

He would follow Boruto everywhere he went. At first, Boruto resisted or thought it was weird, but eventually allowed it to happen as he got really used to it.

Soon, even Boruto classed Mitsuki as one of his main friends.


"Goodbye Sensei." Boruto had waved to his Sensei: Shino, and then left the school building with Shikadai, Inojin, Metal Lee, Denki and Mitsuki.

"Ahh. Finally class is over. You guys wonna finish that boss we were up too?" Boruto had asked everyone then. He was soon to be dissappointed though.

"Sorry. Mom wants me home early to do some trainning with her." Shikadai gave Boruto an apologetic smile his way.

"Yeah, and I have to train with my father." Metal Lee said afterwards.

Next was Denki: "Yeah. Sorry Boruto, I can't either. My dad wants me home for something urgent."

"Oh." Was all Boruto could say.

His shoulders dropped then as he watched Metal Lee, Denki and Shikadai walk away together.

He then looked at Inojin hopefully: "How about you?"

But Inojin just shrugged casually, and said: "It's no fun when it only being us 2. Sorry Boruto." And then he leaves too.

Boruto hung his head then at this and sighed miserably: "Dangit. This is so uncool."

"Don't worry Boruto. I'll stay by your side." Mitsuki leant closer to Boruto with his arms folded then and smiled.

"Not unless you finally agree to play with me." Boruto muttered.

"Sorry. Im not interested in that sort of thing."

"Thought so..."


In the end, Boruto and Mitsuki decided to do some training together, and then sit on a bench nearby when the sun was setting.

Mitsuki read out a scroll for Boruto to listen too and help him learn more, but in the end, from tiredness, Boruto fell asleep on Mitsuki's shoulder.

Mitsuki stopped and smiled down at Boruto.

Life with Boruto is always so adventurous and never gets old. I never want to leave Boruto's side.

Mitsuki looked up at the orange sky and the wind blew his hair gently.

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