"Academy life was fun; especially with Boruto."

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When he first came into the Leaf Village and started attending their ninja academy there, Mitsuki was 12 years old.

It's been a year now and Mitsuki was 13 and him and the rest of his classmates were getting ready for the final exam to pass and become Genin: Finally actual ninjas who could go on missions and stuff.

Most were already saying they will pass and others didn't have as much hope. One of those people was Denki. But Iwabe was helping him train.

Speaking of Iwabe, he had failed so many times in the exams and had to keep coming back every year. He thought this year would be no different, but thank goodness this time Denki was there to help him out. Even Boruto, Inojin and Shikadai had a part on this.

Mitsuki on the other hand had no problem if he passed or not pass, but he was confident that he will. And if Boruto passed as well as him then he would be more the happier.

He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Boruto. Besides, he was his sun afterall. It was his only goal on living. He was also hqppy that Boruto liked him too; even though whenever Mitsuki would go dead close to him, he would blush and be all embarrassed.

Isn't that what friends do? Stand close to one another?

Oh well.

Another student that was guaranteed to pass was the Uchiha of the class: Sarada; Sakura's and the legendary Sasuke's daughter. How lucky she was most would say. Mitsuki couldn't care less. But he didn't dislike her. To him, she was considered a friend. And he knew that Boruto and Sarada considered eachother friends too even though all they really do is argue and fight all of the time.


To do an earily celebration, and to also apologize for all the harm that she had caused, Sumire; the class rep decided to hold up a camping and fishing trip with all of her classmates invitied.

It was such a grand time and everyone had fun..even Boruto and Sarada got along for once. Maybe for the sake of the class rep. Or maybe not. Maybe they were finally maturing.

Speaking of maturing, throughout the year, Mitsuki had noticed that Boruto didn't care about studies or being a ninja; and for the most part would just wing it and past like the genius he was. So he could tell that his friend wasn't being serious about all this being a ninja stuff.

But here at the trip, he eventually confessed to everyone that he did want to pass the exam with everyone and contuine his career with them. He loved all of his friends and wanted to be with them for the rest of his life and not fall behind.

It didn't matter either way to Mitsuki what Boruto wanted as long as he was beside him, but this time felt just a tiny bit different. This time he was happy for Boruto.


While everybody was asleep and quiet at night, Mitsuki found Boruto sitting by the cliff still awake; the moon out, dark and chilly out and it being pass midnight.

He sat by Boruto with a smile: "Can't sleep?"

"Oh. Hi Mitsuki." Boruto looked up at Mitsuki, and then away with a sad look on his face.

Mitsuki studied him, and then asked: "Worried you might fall behind?"

"It's not that." Boruto pulled up his knees to his chest and hugged them as well as resting his chin on them too; looking down the cliff.

"Then what is it?"

"It's just....I never thought it'll turn out this way. You know, me actually wanting to become a ninja for reals and not seeking attention for once."

"Is this about the 7th hokage?"

Boruto went silent.

Throughout the year; though Mitsuki never knew it personally, he kept hearing about how Boruto didn't want to become the hokage, didn't like the 7th hokage, and that they never got along; and so to get attentiom, Boruto was deciding to shine the brightest in the hokage's favourite thing: Being a ninja.

So maybe now Boruto felt conflicted and it upset him.

Suddenly, Mitsuki put a hand on Boruto's cheek and started stroking him: "It'll be alright Boruto. Whatever you decide is up to you." He smiled.

At this, Boruto blushed and cringed before moving back and getting all fidgety: "M-M-Mi-Misuki, t-too close man."

But all Mitsuki could do was smile at this.

Forever and ever will Boruto be his sun.

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