"Goodbye my sugar plump, my ass":

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The morning came almost like a snap of a finger when everybody find themselves waking up after their nights rest

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The morning came almost like a snap of a finger when everybody find themselves waking up after their nights rest.

The first thing that Mitsuki did when he did wake up was to look on over towards Boruto-

-still cute-

-and Ikada-

-who had his arms wrapped around the still sleeping Boruto; all cuddly, lovingly and warm.

Mitsuki was ready to murder a boi-

Extending his arms gently above Boruto, he slowly unwrapped Ikada from him and started to pick him up the ground from beside Boruto.

Whilst this was happening, Konohamaru was slowly sitting up as he stretched and yawned.

When he looked around the room-

-that was when he had just caught Mitsuki lobbing Ikada's body at a wall hard on the other side of the room.


There was a loud bang that even woke Sarada up; as she yelled out in surprise and bolted up.

At the noise also, Boruto slowly woke up. He groaned as he sat up and rubbed his sleepy eyes: "Uh, wha-? Is it morning already?"

"Yes it is Boruto." Mitsuki turned to Boruto with a fake smile across his face with his eyes closed; bringing back his arms like nothing had happened.

Boruto blinked at Mitsuki in wonder.

Ikada seemed to be dazed on the other side of the room...

...It was time for team 7 and Konohamaru to go now back to the hidden leaf. They did what they came for and completed their mission. There was nothing left for them to do now but say their goodbyes.

Ikada bowed to the 4: "Thank you so much. I couldn't be happier."

Konohamaru had his hands on his hips and he had a broad smile across his face: "Nah, it was nothing. We were happy to help."

Sarada nodded at this with her own smile too.

Ikada then looked back up and his eyes turned to Boruto.

Boruto blinked in surprise.

"And you my sweetcake." He stepped towards him then and took his hands in his. He winked then flirtly, and said: "And especially you. Goodbye my sugar plump."

Boruto grew bright red in the face at this.

Mitsuki was on literal fire.

He had to be dragged back to the village before he murdered a man-...

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