"Advice from Naruto, the 7th hokage":

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So there were two different types of love

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So there were two different types of love. Family bloodbond and affection love. Family bloodbond is the usual standard love that does not need to be explained. But the affection love is something different and more. Affection love is a love where you feel affection towards someone else that isn't a family member. A crush. And you would do anything for them, and want to become something more that they are already are. Not only that, but you would also feel hot and bothered inside when someone else is showing the same type of affection.

Interesting facts indeed so far. But more much was to be known.

~Mitsuki's thoughts and knowledge.


Mitsuki wondered about the village quietly on his own during the day. He hadn't hung out with Boruto for sometime. And he wasn't planning to see him again until he sorted things out.

He even turned down missions and even ignored Sarada when she tried to get him to tell her why he was being so friggin' awkward.

But he didn't care. He had too much on his mind right now.


Naruto in his hokage's office heard a knock on the door, and he looked up at it in wonder: "Huh?"



Then another knock.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. Was this person waiting for him to say something?

His thinking was interrupting with another set of knocks, and Naruto sighed. Then he eventually said: "Come in."

The door opened then, and walking in was Mitsuki.

Naruto blinked in wonder: "Mitsuki?"

"Do you have a minute?" Mitsuki asked then with a small smile; as he stepped inside and then closed the door behind him. Then he stepped on over to the desk.

Naruto straightened his back before asking: "What is it Mitsuki? Is there a problem?"

"No, that's not it." Mitsuki shook his head.

"Then what is it?" Naruto contuined to press with concern. Anyway, it wasn't often Mitsuki came in here alone for his own accord: "Feeling sick? Had a fight? Lost something?"

Clearly; even to Mitsuki, Naruto was acting overprotective.

Mitsuki put up a hand to silence Naruto.

Naruto closed his lips and blinked unexpectedly.

"Actually, it is about your son, Boruto." Mitsuki put his hand down and said once he knew Naruto had shutted up.

"My son?" Naruto raised an eyebrow and Mitsuki nodded.

Naruto then sighed, and asked: "What did he do this time?"

"Oh no nothing."


"I think I love him."

".....Eh?" Naruto blinked.

What in the he-


Naruto soon relaxed when everything was explained to him, and he sat back in his chair and sighed with an relieved smile: "Ahh. Is that it?"

Mitsuki nodded.

"Well, it's natural to be confused at this age." Naruto explained. Then he leant forward: "So, do you really like him?"

"Yes, I do." Mitsuki nodded.

"Well, I won't stop you. You can like whoever you like and so can Boruto, as long as you're both safe."

"Thank you."

"So, what do you want to about it?"

"Excuse me?"

"Like, do you want to confess to him? Take things slowly? Rush things; which I do not recommend ya know?"

Mitsuki tilted his head; and then hummed in thought looking down at the ground.

Naruto waited patiently with a small smile on his face.

Mitsuki then eventually looked up at Naruto and asked: "When you were in love, what did you do, lord hokage?"

"Me?" Naruto pointed to himself.

Mitsuki nodded.

Naruto hummed in thought, but then started to explain: "Well, at first I let her know how I felt and let her tell me how she felt. Then um, I suppose I went from there. Been nice to her, kind to her, asked her on dates, that kind of stuff."

"What did you do if she didn't accept you?" Mitsuki asked.

"Well, back off I guess." Naruto laughed nervously.

Mitsuki looked back down again in thought: "I see..."

What Mitsuki didn't know was that Naruto was talking about him and Sakura. XD

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