"Advice from Sakura":

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So Mitsuki made up his mind

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So Mitsuki made up his mind. He was going to try his best to get stronger for Boruto and soon tell him how he feels. Then they could sort things out and see what both of them were comfortable with: Lovers, friends or just teammates.

But before he does that, he just needed a little more information about the love he felt for Boruto.

With this thought in mind, he found himself infront of the Uchiha's house.

He knocked on their door and heard some russles inside.

The door opened then to reveal Sakura; out of breathe and with an apron on. She looked down at Mitsuki and moved hair from her face: "Huh? Mitsuki?"

"Hi. Did I catch you at a bad time?" Mitsuki asked as he waved and smiled.

"Oh. Oh no sorry. I just had to rush to the door." Sakura answered with a nervous giggle, and then contuined: "If you were looking for Sarada, she isn't here."

"Actually, I was looking for you."

This took Sakura by surprise.


Mitsuki told Sakura everything.

"I see." Sakura stood in the kitchen with Mitsuki with her hands on her hips.

Mitsuki looked up at her: "Is it strange to you?"

"Well, no. But..."


"It's not strange, but I'm no expert either since I am straight. You know?"

Mitsuki nodded.

"But I do know what love feels like, and from what you've told me, it sounds like you are almost there."

"So, what is there left to know?"

"Well, um, do you want Boruto to like you back?" Sakura had a little grin with a red face on her now.

Mitsuki blinked and tilted his head: "Does he need too?"

"Of course he does." Sakura frowned: "Or else it is just one sided and boring, and that is selfish."

"Alright then." Mitsuki nodded: "Then please help me."

"You got it." Sakura winked, then began to explain. (And of course she was going to be using herself as an example to when she was trying to win Sasuke over back in the old days.)

"First off you really have to let the person know how you feel, and if they don't understand, you could try pushing your feelings out, and I mean REALLY push so they understand. But not too the point of scarring them off. Also, be extra kind to them and understanding. Always listen. Always get along. Protect him and his feeling. And if anybody gets in your way, smash 'em!" Sakura punched her fist into her palm with an evil grin on her face.

Mitsuki blinked.

She was going too far.

He might be wanting to leave here right now.

Sakura noticed that she might of gone too far with this; thinking of her and Ino when they were younger, and she calmed herself down. Then she just calmly placed a hand on Mitsuki's shoulder. She went down to his level too and tilted her head: "Basically all I am saying is to get yourself out there without fear of rejection. There are plently of fish to go around."

And at that, Sakura escorted Mitsuki out and wished him good luck.

Because he will need it.

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