"You stay away from my boy, boi."

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"A pirate?" Boruto questioned

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"A pirate?" Boruto questioned.

Ikada nodded proudly at this: "Yup!"

"Those things still exist?"

"What, you live under a rock or something?" Ikada smirked at that, and Boruto smirked back as he got ready for a comeback: "Maybe I do, maybe I dont. Tell me anyway."

Ikada thought this was funny: "What, are you hard to get or something?"


"I can play by your rules." Ikada winked.

Boruto kept on smiling, but he was also confused; raising an eyebrow: "Wait, wasn't this about pirates?"

"Hey, don't touch my man." A sudden voice came out; and it turned out to be Mitsuki suddenly behind Boruto.

Ikada blinked at this as Mitsuki now wrapped his arms around Boruto; making him blush.

Ikada then put his hand on his hip, tilted his head to the side, and smirked as he told Mitsuki: "I wasn't even going for him.  But I'll tell you this: I will admit that he is very cute."

Boruto blushed more at this.

Mitsuki slightly tightened his grip on Boruto, and he had an evil smirk on his face with slits for eyes; and Boruto swore he could feel claws digging into him.

"No matter what, Boruto is mine and only mine. So mind keeping your hands off him?" Mitsuki hissed.

And Ikada raised his hands up in the air: "Alright alright I surround."


And Boruto stood there wondering why he always were in these situations? And why does he not get bothered to get out?

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