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Hello! Author here, this is just a little warning before reading, and would appreciate it if you gave me a moment of your time;)

First of all! This is a (generally) unrevised version of the novel. Feel free to politely comment on errors you see:) it's greatly appreciated...That includes if something is not explained properly, too confusing, badly worded, etc...  Also if this book is not your cup of tea or you end up finding it to be displeasing, I ask you to silently exit, there will be complimentary cookies for your arrival and departure though!

Secondly, this is a completely fictional story, with no characters or circumstances matching a real-life thing. If anything matches it is coincidence/not on purpose! Although real-life things inspire stories like these, it's not a replica but instead merely an expression of emotion. 

Lastly- just thanks- lol. I really am grateful for all my readers. Writing is something I've loved and been really passionate about since a young child. I'm thankful to have platforms such as this to share the work that I create. So thank you for the support:D Add on this story is something that means a lot to me, and I hope to convey many messages through this experience as you read. I hope you all can get as invested as I am in this book, and I hope to see you at the end! <3

~ JadaLynn

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