Chapter 23

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We pull up to a beautiful log cabin.

It wasn't anything compared to Harry's house, but it was still pretty big, and it was definitely beautiful. Just like everything Harry's shown me lately.

It's also isolated just like the other house, so Alec and Sam wouldn't be able to find us. For all we know, they could still think we're inside Harry's place.

I've made my decision that I don't want anything to do with Sam- I won't even refer to him as my father.

I know he's doing all of this for me, to protect me, but he's taking it way too far. I just hope no one ends up getting hurt.

Harry pulls into the driveway and parks the car, and I can see him grinning at me from the corner of my eye.

"Want to check it out?"

"Of course!" I rush, opening the door and stepping out onto the dirt driveway.

Immediately I was hit with a wave of heat, it was a gorgeous day out- nice and warm, a slight breeze, and I couldn't wait to get settled inside.

The smell of fresh air surrounded me, and I took a deep breath in complete bliss.

The house had many windows, it was almost like you could see through it because it was so open. Honestly it reminded me of the Cullen's House in the Twilight movies.

It had a welcoming vibe, it made me feel like I was at home already and I haven't even opened the door.

Harry opens the door to let us in, and the inside was even more breathtaking.

It was so spacious- there was a main room, which was also the largest, and a few rooms around it like the kitchen and the bathroom. Upstairs there was a few bedrooms, but one master bedroom. It may have been even larger than the one we stayed in at Harry's house.

Harry walks up behind me while I'm standing in the room and wraps his arm around me.

"I bet I can guess what we'll be doing in here." He whispers, making the hairs on my arms stand up.

The sound of his mere voice makes me feel a way I have never felt, and it's so over powering it's hard to describe.

I wanted to tell him everything right there on the spot- the way I feet about him, that I wanted to be with him, even though technically I already was.

I was scared that he wouldn't reciprocate the same feelings I have for him, especially if after I told him.

I've never even told a man that I've loved them before. I don't have much experience when it comes to relationships, I'm not afraid to admit that.

I wonder if Harry has ever been in a relationship like we are.

Are we even in a relationship?

There's so many questions I want to ask him, but like I said I'm scared. I don't want to say the wrong thing and have him turn angry at me.

My stomach twists and turns, making my head hurt.

I'm still sick.

I run to the bathroom, again, and let loose of the breakfast I had this morning. I knew I shouldn't have ate that.

Harry runs after me, pulling my hair back for me with a look of pity laced in his beautiful features.

I've really been noticing little things about him lately, the way he carries himself with such confidence, which isn't always too bad of a thing, the way his smile turns up on one side and his eyes have little crinkles when he does this.

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