Rant 1: stupid, ignorant people.

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"Fuck Alex, you're already starting writing rants?"

Yes. Yes I am. Because right now I'm pissed off to the limit of being pissed off.

Let's get one thing straight, okay? I do not believe in God. This is my choice, because my dad does believe in God. Does he hate me for not believing in God? Yes he does.

"So, Alex, why are you pissed off then?"

Because even though I don't believe in God, I really fucking hate people disrespecting people who do believe. I have friends who believe in God. I have friends who find almost all their strength in believing and I'm totally fine with that. In fact, I'm glad they find that kind of strength somewhere.

As you guys might know (some of you at least) is that being able to make your own choices means a lot to me. I'm thankful for the right to make my own choices. So not believing is my choice and believing is the choice of other people.

Please just fucking respect people their choices when it comes to religion. Religion is a really sensitive subject and I totally understand that. I'm not trying to offend anyone with this. If I do, then I'm sorry.

So a friend of mine got called "faggot" today for believing in God. He was called faggot because apparently everyone now thinks that believers are against gay marriage.

This is bullshit.

All of my friends support gay rights. I could not be friends with anyone homophobic (this again because of the whole choice shit). So even though some of them believe, this doesn't mean they hate gay people.

They told me everyone has different standards when it comes to believing in God. Some people do think gay marriage is a huge problem. Some people are against abortion and sex before marriage.

For the gay marriage part I have no respect. Absolutely no respect at fucking all. If you think being gay is some kind of disease, then get the fuck out of this profile.

But when it's about abortion or sex before marriage, then I think that's a choice someone should be able to make and I think that choice should then be respected by everyone.

My friends believe that God created every person to be equal. That everyone should have their own rights and same treatment. That nobody should be hated for what they look like, what skin color they have or sex they love.

Believing in God isn't about hating on gays or disapproving abortion, it's about finding strength and believing everyone should get a chance.

"So Alex, if you talk about religion like this, why don't you believe?"

Because I have no reason to believe. If I started to believe in God, it wouldn't give me any strength. I can't get strength out of something that isn't there in my eyes. I've always been a person that needs prove to believe something is real. If you tell me I can trust you, I won't believe you until I really see I can trust you. It's the same with God.

I want to friendly request you to not force your religion on me, because that's something I really can't stand and I really won't be nice.

If you have any questions, want to tell me something privately or have problems you want to get rid off, send a message with my name at the top so I know it's just for me and my friends won't put their stupid nose into my stuff :P

Stay different ✌

(again, I'm sorry if I offended anyone. This was not my purpose with writing this, I just wanted to get something across.)

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