Rant 6: modern society and its fake people

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I am easily annoyed. Really, I think 3/4 of you would not be able to be friends with me in person. Sure, I'll support you through your crap if your crap is serious. If you want to whine, I'm not the right person. Not the right person at all.

Since most of you know that I'm easily annoyed, these rants have appeared in my story before. Today, I'd like to share one of my biggest annoyance with you people: modern society.

Holy shit say what? You want to write a rant about SOCIETY? Yup. I do. I know, taking chances and shit. 

Something that annoys me most about society is the fact that people feel the need to constantly adapt. To constantly pick up on new trends. New phones, clothes, lifestyles. 

I've been a vegeterian for a long time and I had barely ever met someone who was too, until a couple of weeks ago. Suddenly, a lot of people turned vegetarian or vegan, talking about how sad it is that we kill animals for our own benefit or how it's much better for you to only eat plants.

This annoyed me. Because being a vegeterian is not a trend. It's not something you are for a couple of weeks until the trend changes into the person who can eat the most meatballs in a minute. YOU ARE NOT COOL (jesus I'm acting like Matt here).

I'm sarcastic. Being sarcastic is also not cool and I'm not proud of the fact that I identify with the tv character House, because I can see myself in him. That's not a good thing. Being sarcastic constantly, is not a good thing. Being skeptical, is not a good thing. Being an ass, is not a good thing. I don't have a lot of friends and this is the reason why. I am an ass, I don't trust people and I'm not good at being nice. Too bad. It's me. It doesn't have to be you.

Also, if you don't know shit about something, don't pretend like you do and don't express your stupid, meaningless opinion. Don't say something and then take it back because you realize that what you said is incredibly, incredibly stupid.

I have a strong opinion, but I never take my opinions back. Ever. Do I always think before I say something? No, but I'll probably stick to what I said. Partly because I'm very attached to my own opinion and partly because I think I'm always right. That's a joke, but not really.

We're all stupid. We're all human. Nobody is better than anybody. There are some people who are more stupid than other people, but I don't think I should go into that before this rant turns into a rant on humanity instead of society. Though I think it has already become.

I wish that more people would just be themselves instead of trying to be someone who's cool. Someone who follows every trend and changes constantly, both physically as personality wise. You can't be an asshole one day and helping homeless people the next, filming this act and posting on Facebook to show how nice you are.

Basically, I'm sick of people being fake. I'm sick of people pretending and I'm sick of people becoming absolutely miserable because of it. Be who you are, don't try to be someone you're not. 

Modern society is a manipulative bitch, don't give it what it wants.

K? K.

That was my monthly contribution to myself, so I can take the edge of my constant annoyance. 

- Alex

p.s Not trying to say none of you can become vegeterian. If you want to make that life decision, do it. It's not that bad.

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