Pilot. III

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Now, there's a couple versions of what happened that night. It all depends on who you ask, and to be honest, I'm not always the most reliable narrator. But Nate was fucking on one. And in turn, Maddy was fucking on one. And that's right about the time that Jules decided to ghost her hookup and bike over to McKay's. Now, Jules texted Kat, but Kat didn't answer, because...Well now, Kat wasn't a prude, but she was a virgin. She'd told Jules that a week into summer school, and when Kat saw her reaction well...She was on a mission to enter junior year as a woman of questionable morals. That was about the same time Nyla and I had gotten high out of our fucking mind and that's when I noticed someone I hadn't thought I'd ever recognise.

"Jade" Rues voice rang out from where I sat on the couch outside. Nylas eyes had immediately gone wide as she noticed Rue and I felt my legs push myself up until my arms found their way around Rues body and she crushed herself into me. When I pulled back to look at her she looked about as high as I was but there was something else too. Something that wasn't just weed. You could tell just by how she looked.

"It's been so long" I cry out putting my hand on her face and she chuckled doing the same. She was pretty but Rue had always been pretty, unlike other girls she didn't seem to pay any attention to how she looked. Her hair was twisted and looked messy. She looked tired with bags under eyes but a smile was on her face.

"I missed you" i whisper and she smiles

"I missed you too" she responds before she hands me a blunt and I look at it before gripping it

"Thanks" I whisper and she falls down on the couch next to me as I take a seat.

"Nice to see you Rue" Nyla states and Rue looks over at her and smiles before she looks at me

"Nice to see you've made friends" she says and I laugh

"Ya'll are kind of the same anyways" I state and they both laugh

"How was rehab? Good to be back?" Nyla asks and my eyes dart over to Rue whose smile was now long gone. When she caught my eye she let a smile ghost her mouth

"Don't worry about it Jade. It was nothing" she whispers before I could even get the words to ask her why the fuck she had been in rehab out of my mouth. Nyla cleared her throat before she stood up

"Sorry Rue" she says sheepishly "I'll leave you two to talk I need to go see my brother anyways" she says before quickly walking off.

"Rue" i whisper and her eyes fly to mine and she shakes her head

"It was really nothing Jade" she says but when I level my glare she sighs

"You know, I remember after you left, when I was like 11.. It was a couple months after my dad got diagnosed, and we got the results back from the prognosis. And it was really good. It was like, 80/20. And we decided to celebrate, so... we like ordered a bunch of Chinese food. I remember that night, I was laying between my parents in bed, and... all of a sudden I couldn't breathe. It was like there was no more air left in the world. And I was gasping, and I was panicking. And they called the ambulance and they thought it was like... an allergic reaction or some shit. And then when I got to the hospital, they gave me liquid Valium. Yeah. To calm me down. And when it hit me, I thought... This is it. This is the feeling I have been searching for my entire life, for as long as I could remember. Because suddenly... ...the world went quiet. And I felt safe, in my own head. Two years later, he was gone. Panic attacks stayed. And I found a way to live, so... Will it eventually kill me? Maybe. Fuck, maybe not. I don't know. You going to tell me you never felt like that? Like we never talked about that feeling of fucking peace when we were kids?" she whispers and my head hangs low. She was right. I had still been searching for that feeling my whole fucking life. Could I blame her if she had found it?

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