Trying to Get to Heaven Before They Close the Door. II

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The next few seconds it felt like a fucking sick dream. I went from chilling a car to being slammed up against a wall. Before I know it the blindfold is ripped off of my eyes to reveal a really old looking kitchen. I swear it looked like it belonged in the 70's but at the same time the light was so fucking bright that it drained all the colour out of the room. 

"Fuck is you doin' here?" A tall man who looked like he could be twins with Mouse hisses. Maybe not exactly twins but he was bald and had massive arms, don't take this the wrong way. But they looked like they were way too fucking heavy for his body. "don't fuckin' hesitate. You come to my muthafuckin' house--" He continues his angry rant before he slams the junkie that lead Fez here into the wall and the junkie lets out a howl of pain "with a fuckin' 12-year-old, three junkie whores and a motherfucker I don't know. You out of your fuckin' mind?" he spits before continuing to pace, finally he comes to a stop in front of me and leans down, towering over me. "I'm on fuckin' probation." he growls glaring down at me like I was the fucking problem.

"Me too." A younger man hisses

"We are not involved with any illegal activity. We don't associate with anybody involved in illegal activity. And Laurie over there? Laurie don't deserve this shit." the man cries before he points over at an older lady who could be seen from the kitchen in some sort of living room sitting in a fucking rocking chair.

"Brucy" she whispers with a husky voice and the guy named Brucy or as I'm guessing, Bruce, walks over towards where the older woman sat. She seems to whisper something in his ear and before I know it he's walking back over towards us with some sort of swagger in his stride. He whistles before he turns on music that blasts my fucking ears.

"All right, check this out. All y'all, let's get naked right fuckin' now. Come on, man. Let's go. Get naked right fuckin' now. Let's go, c'mon." the man cries and I look around the room with my mouth wide open. There was a bunch of different reactions. Fez, Faye and myself looked shocked. Rue looked confused. But, the junkie and Ashtray started to strip. Suddenly, Bruce stops Ashtray shaking his head with disgust on his face

"Come on, let's go. Everybody, let's go. Undress. Except for you. Keep your shit on, man. Nobody wants to see you naked. B.J., take his ass down. Put 'em in a fuckin' closet." Bruce spits pointing to the younger guy who quickly grabs Ashtray

"Yo, yo, come on now, y'all. Chill. Nobody, nobody got no fuckin' wire." Fez hisses but suddenly Bruce is all up in his face slamming Fez into the wall

"Prove that shit. I don't know who the fuck you are! For real! Far as I'm concerned, you're a fuckin' cop!" Bruce spits in Fezs face and Fez nods before Bruce backs away

"Obviously, I'm not wearing a fuckin' wire. You paranoid-" Faye begins but suddenly Bruce is storming towards her and slamming the back of her head into the wall and she cries out. I couldn't help the hiss that fell from my lips. That looked like it fucking hurt.

"Hey! Hey, hey, she didn't do shit. I'm just tryna tell you-- Oh fuck!" The junkie begins but the younger boy moves towards him and he stops trying to protect his girlfriend immediately

"Let's go, c'mon. Everybody, let's get naked. C'mon, man, let's go. C'mon, man, hurry! Let's go! Come on, let's go, man. Ain't got all fuckin' night. You not hear what the fuck I said?" Bruce hisses as he storms up towards Rue. I had noticed that she was the only one that hadn't moved. Even I had removed my top leaving my bra on, probably going slower than I should be.

"Uh, no, I'm, I'm just-- I'm in, I'm in high school." Rue begins and Bruce chuckles before he grips Rue and I'm taking a step forward

"Hey, hey calm down" I hiss before the younger man throws me back

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