You Who Cannot See, Think of Those Who Can. IV

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"Okay, Cal, Cal, this is not funny." I could hear Nate mums scold as Nate and I stepped out of his room. Nate rushed towards where a man who I was assuming was his brother stood leaning down over the rails to peer down at whatever commotion was happening bellow. 

"What's goin' on?" Nate asks before I finally make it to where they stand and my eyes go wide before I slam my hand to my mouth covering the gasp that slipped out when I saw Cal Jacobs standing with his dick out and a clear pile of pee on the floor beneath him 

"Dad's standing in the foyer with his dick out." Nates brother explains 

"What the fսck are you doing?" Nate hisses as he looks down at his Dad, his jaw clenching like a father who was about to give a scolding. 

"I don't know" Marsha says sounding tired. Suddenly Cal waived up towards me and my eyes went wide but I was frozen in place, I quite literally couldn't look away. I knew Cal Jacobs was fucked up but this was to a different level and clearly it made sense as to why Nate was just as fucked up. 

"Jade Ashbury good to see you, do you know what you're looking at?" Cal says as he points towards me and I shake my head before his eyes drift over to his sons and his wife "You know what you three assholes are lookin' at?" he asks and I watch as none of the Jaocbs respond to Cal. "The man with no name" Cal says releasing a chuckle 

"What, what the fսck are you even saying? Yo, what the fսck is going on, guys?" Nates brother cries looking at the others to make sure he wasn't hallucinating or something. I watch as Nates posture falls and he walks over towards the wall before leaning against it watching his Dad with disappointment. 

"I'm a rogue. I march to the beat of my own drum. You guys should've seen me tonight. I don't know if you would've been proud, but... ya might've been impressed." Cal continues chuckling and Marsha storms down the stairs to try and put some reasoning into him. 

"Cal, listen to me. I think you need to see a doctor. All right? You're not, you're not you." Marsha begs and I watch as Cal shakes his head his dick still swinging all over the place 

"No, Marsha. That's where you're wrong. I am One-hundred percent me." he says and Marsha shakes her head 

"Okay, you're scaring me now." Marsha admits sounding almost breathless 

"You know why? 'Cause I'm a man. I'm an animal. I'm a mοtherfսckin' Rottweiler." Cal cries and all three of the other Jacobs seem to shake their heads and sigh but Cal just continues "You know how many men I've fսckеd?" Cal cries and the only person who really looked surprised was Nates brother who looks around in shock

"What?!" Nates brother cried and I watched as Marshas shoulders dropped. She had known this whole time that her husband was fucking men 

"Cal, stop it" Marsha states sounding defeated 

"Aaron..." Cal begins to taunt 

"Cal, please. Please stop." Marsha begs 

"Do you know how many men I've fսckеd?" Cal continues laughing slightly manically 

"Dad, why are you saying this?" Nates brother asks continuing to fire off the questions. He must have been the only one in the family who didn't know 

"Guess." Cal continues 

"I, I don't understand. Like, what the fսck is going on?" Nates brother cries 

"I had sеx with a man for the first time... when you... were in your mama's belly." Cal cries and my eyes fly over to Nate who quickly looked away 

"Dad, why the fսck are you saying these things? Like, have you lost your fսcking mind? You're talking about fսcking men in front of Mom when I was, what? Like, what the fսck is wrong with you? Who the fսck are you?" Nates brother cries and Cal shakes his head continuing chuckling 

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