All My Life, My Heart Has Yearned For A Thing I Cannot Name. I

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It was like deja vu. Just from a different perspective. The ladies bathrooms at school. Lexi and Jade were standing there. 

"I don't want-I don't want you to fucking check on me, whether I'm fine or I'm not fine. What difference are you going to make? Are-are you going to give me a life advice? You gonna fucking help me?" Jade cries 

"Well, you're one of my best friends." Lexi screeches

"Give me a fucking break. 'Cause we went to fucking pre-school together? That does not make us best fucking friends." Jades voice booms

"You say all this, but what happens in three days when you knock on my door asking me to piss in some Tylenol bottle? What, you're gonna say the opposite? How we've known each other since pre-school and we're best friends? It's like you have a split personality disorder. Sorry if I miss the old you." Lexi cries and I watch as she goes to storm off but jumps back when a new figure enters the scene and I realise it was me. Well not me...but the girl playing me. 

"Lexi?" Gemma whispers and Lexi smiles at her sheepishly before the stage goes black and a spotlight falls on Lexi 

"Gemma had been my friend since I was young, well she was more Jades friend but we used to hang out together all the time. Gemma was always so strong she used to be the kid on the playground that if a boy picked on me she would beat the shit out of him and then Jades Mum would always put her in time out or we'd have to go home that day. She was a ride or die for everyone but Gemmas home life was rough, it never stopped her from having a bright smile on her face, but I could always see sadness in her eyes, a type of worry that no child her age should have. She disappeared when we were eight and I was seeing her in the flesh for the first time after years. She was gorgeous and every guy at school knew who she was even on her first day, but the only boy she seemed to have eyes for was Brett, the king of the school and he had never looked at any girl the way he looked at her" Lexi says and I watch as the stage turns black and suddenly the new scene was a forest. I remember the moment perfectly. I glance over at Cole who had a massive smile on his face. He remembered the moment too. I remember telling Lexi about this moment. 

"You don't like it?" a guy who I was assuming was meant to be Cole says and I watch as Gemma glances around at the romantic set up. "Gem?" Brett whispers suddenly sounding worried "What is it baby?" he whispers. 

"I love it" Gemma whispers before she glances over at Brett "What's all this for?" she asks and he smiles 

"Well that's a serious question" he says and a look of nervousness crossed her face and he chuckles leaning down to kiss her quickly "Do you always think the worst?" he whispers 

"Like 95% of the time" Cole whispers beside me, as Gemma says the same thing and I smile over at him and press my lips against his 

"Do you remember every word I've ever said to you" I joke and he smirks 

"Just the smart ass ones" he says with a wink 

"Theres something for you there" Brett says as he points towards the picnic. I watch as Gemma moves forward and picks up the piece of paper.  

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I whisper at the same time Gemma does and Cole grins beside me, squeezing my hand. 

"Well?" Brett asks and Gemma giggles slightly 

"I don't know what to say" she says 

"I mean yes would be a start" Brett replies and I watch as she rushes towards him and throws herself at him. He catches her effortlessly and presses a kiss against her lips

"Yes" she whispers and Brett chuckles 

"You made me drop my present" he says before he places me back on the floor and quickly picks up his gift off the ground before handing it over to Gemma. 

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