The Next Episode. II

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Daniel was throwing a party. Cassie was very proud of her costume. In fact, she had worn it last night, too. Except McKay didn't seem to appreciate that. On the other end Kat's parents were out of town for the weekend, which was good, because it gave her the freedom to focus on the important things... expanding her empire, and collecting her motherfucking bag. She now had four men that she cammed with on a regular basis. All of whom she affectionately referred to as her "pay pigs." She was a getting a number of incoming requests for cam sessions, most of which she turned down. And then, last night...she got an offer almost too good to refuse. 


I was nervous when I got to the party not only because I knew I would be meeting Cole Anderson here but also because I could feel the tension between Rue and Jules. Whether or not Lexi, Nyla or Kat had noticed it was a different story. It was quite obvious how awkward the night was going to be was because of how drunk Jules was when Rue and her had come to my house. The only other time I'd ever seen Jules drink was the night of McKay's party. It's not like I'm a drag and want everyone to be sober around me. Hell I was going to get myself high tonight as well. It's just, something felt off.

"Tequila makes me aggressive." Kat joked as Rue and I stood around awkwardly while Nyla, Jules and Kat lined up shots at Daniels house.

"Ugh. Tequila makes me want to dance." Jules says with a bright smile on her face 

"I, uh, I once took, like, ten Vicodin, and drank an entire thing of tequila, and then, I, like, blacked out for three days. But while I was blacked out, I, like, still went to school and did homework and shit. It was really weird." Rue says and I looked over at her with wide eyes 

"Well, let's not do that tonight." I state and Rue chuckles next to me 

"Uh, I won't. I'm... I'm clean, so we're good." Rue says and I look over at her 

"Rue I was just joking" I whisper and she gives me a small smile that does nothing to ease how uneasy I felt tonight.

"Wait a minute. I was supposed to be your chaperone. But now I'm drunk." Jules cries as she runs over towards and throws her arms over Rues neck with a lazy smile 

"I don't, like, actually need a chaperone." Rue said sounding uncomfortable 

"Oops." Jules says with a smirk 

"Um, where's Lexi?" I ask looking around 

"Uh, she's... kind of hard to miss." Nyla says with a wink and that was one hundred percent true. It was around 9pm when we had rocked up to Lexi and Cassies house and what opened the door had me almost pissing myself laughing but I held myself together covering the smirk on my face 

"I'm Bob Ross. The painter from PBS?" Lexi cries happily and the four of us burst out laughing 

"Hey, creepy. The whole point of Halloween is to look attractive." Lexis mom calls out from the lounge room 

"No, it's not." Lexi says with her hands on her hips as we walk into the house 

"Oh, really? You do me a favor and you count how many girlfriends of yours are dressed up like 50-year-old men. Report back to me." Lexis mom mocks but suddenly we all turned when we heard the sound of heels walking down stairs and my mouth dropped open when I saw Cassie 

"Is it too much?" she asks sheepishly though I knew she knew she was fucking hot. We all muttered protests and she turned to look at me 

"You're a serial killer. Hot" she said with a smirk and I give her a little curtsey before we all made our way to the party. Walking as we talked...but one conversation popped up in particular

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