You Who Cannot See, Think of Those Who Can. II

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I watched as Cassie handed Maddy the most beautiful scrapbook of their friendship.Her eyes red with tears threatening to spill out. Though I'd like to point out I don't think it was because she was thinking about their friendship. I think she was with Nate Jacobs secretly. I still wasn't able to get that image out of my head of them together. Nyla had mentioned her suspicions too but after all her excitement about the drama that might be going down at this party, she got horrifically sick. I mean seriously the girl had mad gastro. But back to Cassie and Nate. You see for the past few Fridays Cassie and Nate had been together but this particular Friday Maddy had told Cassie that Nate had admitted that he loved Maddy. Though of course at the time Maddy didn't know that she was admitting Nates love to a girl he was sleeping with. Cassie had confronted him that night trying to convince Nate that if she had known he wanted to get back with Maddy she never would have started anything. Though I think both Nate Jacobs and the rest of the town knew Cassie Howard would've slept with him anyway. That's when the screaming match between the two started and Cassie ended up storming out threatening to blackmail Nate Jacobs. 

"Any of you snitches to your parents about this, your days at the Howard House are finito burrito." Suzie cries as she waltzes through the room holding her glass of wine up clearly drunk as always. She had been kind enough to host Maddys party. Lucky for us as she was one of the only parents in our friend group who didn't care if we got fucked up around her. I burst out laughing as I clinked my cider against her wine glass in cheers 

"Never" Maddy drawled with a smirk as she held up her glass

"Cheers... To my beautiful girls" Suzie cries and we all hold up our drinks before taking a sip. It was maybe an hour into the party before we were all buzzed out of our minds but as soon as 'this is how we do it' started playing Suzie Howard went nuts and we all cheered and clapped as she began twerking herself against Maddy holding her wine glass trying not to spill it. Maddy had a pure look of joy on her face but then her eyes darted towards Kat who had sat quietly by herself. I could tell something was wrong. Just like how I could tell something was wrong with Cassie. Maddy shuffled over towards Kat and I watched as they walked into another room clearly having some private talk. I continued to dance with Suzie before I finally realised I had finished my drink 

"I need another one" I say quickly and BB flings her arm around my neck 

"Me too" she says and we make our way towards the kitchen. My eyes fall on Cassie as we round the corner. She was seated on the bottom step sculling whatever drink she had in her hand. 

"Do you think Nate's still coming over?" she says quickly and my eyes widen. She didn't quite look at me but rather at BB who had smacked her lips together thinking

"Um, yeah, that's what Maddy says." she said not even thinking twice about Cassies weird comment as she continued dragging me towards the kitchen. Nate arrived not even ten minutes later and I watched as Cassie rushed towards the door swinging it open. 

"Is Maddy here?" he says quickly his eyes darting from Cassie to look over at me and my lips thinned before I gave him a small nod of my head. I hated Nate Jacobs but I wasn't about to make it awkward as fuck by not acknowledging him. He gave me a head nod back and Cassie spun around almost glaring at me. Shit that was weird. I watched as Cassie let Nate in and he quickly walked towards Maddy handing her the present that was clearly something expensive from tiffany and co's. When Maddy took it out of the bag it was a beautiful necklace and I watched as she quickly handed it to Nate asking him to put it on her. She pun around and he placed the necklace on her ever so gently. Cassie came up next to me and I watched as she took as massive gulp of her drink as she glared at Maddy and Nate. 

"How are you feeling?" I whisper quickly next to her and she spins around to look at me her eyes glowing red either as if she was going to cry or maybe she was going to rage  

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