The Theater And It's Double. II

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Lexi and Jade now sat on top of the roof of Fezcos convenience store.

"I think before high school we should think about all the things we don't like about ourselves... and then change them, so we can be, like, like, different, cooler people."  Lexi says as she looks up at the sky 

"I don't think we need to be cooler." Jade comments 

"Well, we should at least try and know what's cool." Lexi says and Jade just shrugs 

"Yeah, but that shit, like, changes all the time." she says 

"That's what makes it hard to follow." Lexi comments and Jade nods 

"Yeah, but I think it's a good thing." Jade continues and Lexi looks over at her

"But... what if we get excluded from things?" Lexi asks and Jade just smiles 

"That's also a good thing." she says 

"Really?" Lexi questions 

"Yeah. My dad says he refuses to be a part of any club that would have him as a member." Jade says and I swear this whole play was just a ruse to get as many tears out of me as possible up. I remembered Rues Dad so clearly, he would've said that exact thing. He was a pure soul like that. I felt Coles hand squeeze mine slightly 

"You okay?" he whispers and I nod 

"Just memories" I whisper back before I place a quick kiss against his lips and go back to watching the play 

"Well, that's cool." Lexi says and Jade nods

"Yeah, don't tell anyone. They'll fuckin' ruin it. The only other person I've told is Gemma" Jade says before she falls on her back and the spotlights directly on Lexi 

"Gemma was Rues best friend in Junior school, she left when we were eight and we hadn't seen her since. She was also one of those people I liked the most besides Jade, Gemma was the first person who made me feel okay about not being cool." Lexi says and my breath hitches, I was Gemma I guess and it fucking broke my heart that I wasn't there for them. Suddenly the stage goes black and then they're back in Lexis room except this time Marta, Hallie and Luna are all there on their phones taking pictures while Lexi was reading a book 

"I just feel like in 10 years, technology's gonna get really scary, and we're all gonna wish we'd never used it." Lexi comments and Luna glances over at her with disgust along with Marta and Hallie 

"What are you talking about?" Marta asks sounding bored 

"Well, all these tech companies are simultaneously developing artificial intelligence and robotics, so it's only a matter of time before they become the new military-industrial complex and start making killer robots." Lexi says and Luna sighs 

"I think there's a big difference between taking selfies and killer robots." Luna states and Lexi just shrugs 

"Yeah, maybe now, but that gap will close." Lexi states before slamming her book shut and the curtains close "But anyway, back to where I was." Lexi says and suddenly the curtains open back up and Jade and Lexi were back on top of Fezcos convenience store "We talked and laughed for hours that night. I miss those days. It was before my dad left and Jade's dad died. Before Jade got into heavy drugs, and before I got inside my head. It was before we grew apart, and before I started doubting myself every time someone would ask me if Jade was my best friend. "Let this darkness be a bell tower... and you the bell."" Lexi says before she falls back next to Jade and the curtains shut once more. Suddenly Bobby darlin started playing and I watched as Lexi appeared dancing with Ethan who seemed to be dressed up as her Dad. I'm assuming the memory was from before her Dad started getting into shady shit. When I glanced over at Cassie she had tears flowing from her eyes that she was trying to quickly wipe away. She glanced to her side and I followed her gaze to where Suze sat with a tissue sobbing her eyes out. The poor thing. I knew that she was really in love with Lexis dad, like genuinely in love even if they fought all the time. "I sometimes think about how my sister and I had so many of the same wishes growing up... and how different we became." Lexi states and Hallie appears on the middle of the stage "At that age, we all thought we knew what love looked like. And we had our suspicions of what it felt like. But that's also what made it so intoxicating. None of us had any idea what it actually was." Lexi continues 

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