Shook ones Pt. II. II

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"Fuck." Rue cries around the same time I cried out in victory after kicking her ass at the fucking water balloon game. Rue had come by during the day and had apologised profoundly about yesterday. She had even told me she was seeing one of the people from AA and at the end of the day I couldn't stay mad at her if she was trying to get better. By the time we had got to the carnival it was in full go. When I got to pick out the toy I wanted I handed it over to Rues little sister Gia. I hadn't seen Gia in fucking ages and I was yet to go over to their house for dinner. 

"You wanna go on the Gravitron?" Lexi asked next to me and Rue rolled her eyes 

"Uh, no." Rue states and I laughed remembering her hatred for all things carnival 

"The Ferris wheel?" Lexi asks again 

"Nope." Rue counters 

"Why?" Lexi asks and Rue looks over at her with a serious expression 

"Because I don't wanna die." she says so confidently that I couldn't help myself from tumbling over in laughter. She looked at me with a smirk on her face before she went to go pull me into a headlock and I struggled to get away from her attack 

"You're such a bitch I know exactly what you're thinking about" she cried laughing as she continued to come after me. It seemed we both remember the time I had finally convinced Rue to go on the ferris wheel and she had chucked up all over herself. I had spew all over my shoes that day but it was still one of the only things I remember about the carnival. Suddenly, Rue stops trying to headlock me and she goes still as she stared at something ahead of her. My eyes follow her direction and that's when I see Jules. She looked so happy in an outfit brighter then the whole fucking carnival itself. I watch as she starts running and Rue suddenly jumps into action before they finally embrace each other far enough that I had no fucking idea what they were talking about

"Um, I think she's in love with her." Gia says as she nervously glances over at Lexi and I. Yeah no shit Gia 

"Really?" Lexi asks 

"Yeah, like... Rue is in love with Jules, I think." Gia says and all three of us watch them talk. 

"Hey J" A voice cries and I look over to see Nyla walking towards me. I smile finally seeing my best friend after only a day, but it was still long enough to have me missing her 

"How's it going?" I ask and she rolls her eyes 

"It's the worst time of the year but my aunty gave me $50 so visiting old as fuck family members was a success" she says and I laugh "how have you been?" she asks and I almost die of a fucking heart attack at fucking sixteen. Now was my chance to tell her about her brother. That we had slept in the same bed together. That he had taken care of me when I was too high to know where the fuck I was. 

"Nothing much to be honest" I say and she smiles as she nudges me gently 

"I want to go on the fucking ferris wheel" she says and I groan as she pulls me towards the line. I don't think I had been of a ferris wheel for years. The line moved pretty fast and while we were waiting she continued to talk about how shit going to her aunts was. You see Nyla was one of those people who when she got to know you, she would tell you every aspect of her life and trust you fully to keep that information forever. Suddenly we were close to the front of the line. "wait I've got no cash do you have cash Jade?" Nyla asks looking panicked and I shook my head 

"Who the fuck carriers money anymore?" I ask and she rolls her eyes 

"Wait in line I gotta go get cash" she says before she runs off and I was stuck by myself in line. So, just like any other teenage kid I went on my phone and pretended like I was scrolling through instagram. 

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