You Who Cannot See, Think of Those Who Can. III

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Everybody screamed as they all jumped out of the hot tub and I was nudged slightly as BB stumbled into me. 

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry, Maddy!"  Cassie sobs as she remains just marinating in the hot tub that was now full of vomit. Maddy began heaving next to me and I had to admit when I saw other people heaving it made me absolutely sick. "I'm sorry, Maddy. I'm sorry, Maddy. I'm so sorry." Cassie continues as she sobs her face now a bright red and covered in vomit, bogeys and tears. 

"It's fine." Maddy manages to breathe out as she continues to dry heave and I hold my hand to my mouth feeling as if I could spew 

"It's not fine. I ruined everything, Maddy. I'm sorry." Cassie cries again 

It's fine." Maddy continues

"It's not fine." Cassie continues to sob before she hiccups or burps, I honestly couldn't tell at that point. "You're my best friend, and I'm sorry." she cries and suddenly a wave of uneasiness washed over me. Something told me she wasn't just apologising for the vomit in the hot tub 

"What's going on?" Suze cries as she runs outside with wine glass in hand when she sees her daughter swimming in her own vomit her eyes go wide and she gasps as she quickly hands me her glass of wine and it splashes on my skin slightly as she rushes to try and drag Cassie out my her armpits "Sweetie, it's okay. Oh God. You threw up." Suze murmurs as she struggles with Cassie who continues to sob 

"I'm so sorry..." she cries 

"Just get outta the, get outta the tub" Suze cries as she continues to pull at Cassie 

"Maddy. I didn't... Maddy, you're my best friend" Cassie cries 

"Jade hep me" Suze cries and I sigh as I place the wine glass down on the table outside and rush towards Cassie. The smell of vomit was absolutely horrific and I gagged slightly as I tugged at one of Cassies arm while Suze tugged at the other. 

"Just get out Cassie" I scream and in the corner of my eyes I could see BB, Kat and Nate running inside obviously to get a towel or something. Lexis head popped out and I watched as a disgusted look crossed her face as she watched her sister 

"I'm sorry, Maddy." Cassie continues sobbing before Suze and I finally manage to get her out of the tub and she slumps to the floor. I glance over at Maddy who was still trying to control her gagging. 

"Use the bathroom!" Suze screams towards Maddy who just looks towards the house with anger and disgust 

"Nate, get me a fսcking towel!" She screams and Suze and I manage to rush towards the house and towards the stairs.

"I'll get her the rest of the way up" Suze says as we reach the bottom of the stairs and I nod but Cassies cries grow louder and I watch as she was looking directly at Nate who had emerged from the bathroom. Cassies hands opened and closed like you would do if you wanted an embrace. I watched as Nates face remained blank as he watched her crying and getting dragged upstairs by her mum. 

"Oh Nate Jacobs, you've really fucked yourself over this time" I hiss only loud enough that he could hear it. He stiffened slightly before he seemed to regain his composure and he looked back at me with a bored expression 

"I don't know what you're talking about" he states before he continues walking towards where Maddy was. After that the party had pretty much died and I was the first one to leave. Unfortunately knowing I would be drinking tonight I didn't drive but I also hadn't organised for anyone to come pick me up. But I decided because it was only a few streets away I could stop being dramatic and just walk. I think I had just turned the corner when the rain started to pour and I let out a sigh before I pulled my hood up and continued to walk. Suddenly a horn blared behind me and I spun around squinting my eyes so that I wasn't going to get blinded by the head lights. Suddenly the vehicle pulled up next to me and I realised it was none other than Nate Jacobs. 

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