Ruminations: Big and Little Bullys. III

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As Cole strode towards me I could see the slight doubt in his eyes as he glanced between me and the friends I was standing around with. Rue let out a slight hum and I could see she was now looking at Cole too. Studying him with that weird pout she did when she was thinking. 

"Hey" Cole said sounding slightly nervous as his eyes darted towards the five of us. Elliot gave him a lazy smile 

"You must be Nylas brother right?" he asks and I watch as Cole clenches his jaw before a flash of hate flies through his eyes but he quickly hides it with a smile. 

"Yeah, Cole" he states holding out his hand and Elliots eyes flickered over to mine. Elliot knew all about our messy break up. Well that's not true, he knew it was very messy. I just left out the whole Jules part. Elliot quickly grabbed Coles hand and shook it. Coles gaze landed on me and I thinned my lips. Because no matter how much I wanted to smile. There was no way in hell that I was going to reward him for being decent especially when he was doing it to prove to me that he'd changed. It would take a lot fucking more than that to have me convinced he changed. When they had stopped shaking hands Cole turned to look at his sister before he held something out to her. She looked down it and scrunched her face. 

"What the hell Cole?" she asks confused and I try to peer at whatever he had placed in her hand but he had already turned towards me and quickly grabbed my hand and placed something in it. A fucking love heart chocolate, as I went to go open my mouth to speak he had already turned and quickly gripped onto Elliots hand and I watched as a startled Elliot got a love-heart chocolate placed in his hands and I couldn't help the chuckle that let my mouth as Cole maintained eye contact with me the whole time. His lip tilted in a slight smile and I shook my head before he placed a chocolate in both Rue and Jules hands. 

"Alright have a good day" he says before he spins around and walks away as if he was never there. Then my eyes drifted over to Lexi who was trying to convince the principal to let her put her drama show on. After all that stuff with Cal at Fezco's convenience store, Lexi realized there was a reason she never tried to intervene before. She was an observer. That's who she was. She often imagined that her parents weren't really her parents... and that her sister wasn't her sister, and that her house wasn't even really her house. That it was just a movie... One that she was writing. So, she just started writing, and writing, and writing. Meanwhile Cassie decided to wake up at 4 AM that morning to get ready for school. She needed to clear her head. And for those three hours she spent getting ready... she only thought about one thing. Nate Jacobs noticing her. There was also something refreshing about the amount of time she was putting into herself. She loved the ritual, the attention to detail... the anxiety and excitement she felt in her stomach. And even if Nate pretended not to notice her...It was her way of telling him that she was his. 


"True or dare?" Elliot asked for what must have been the hundredth time this week. There had been a few really good dares. And I mean really good. Personal favourites so far had been Elliot daring Jules to piss in the streets which ended up with Jules accidentally fucking pissing on the car. Both Nyla and I ended up howling in a fit of laughter as Elliot screamed at her to not piss on his car. Another good one had been us daring Elliot to walk up to some of the football players and telling them that he was into scat play. That had resulted in Elliot running down the hallways for his life. 

"Dare" I state and he sends a grin my way 

"I dare you to steal something out of Nate Jacobs locker" Elliot says and my eyes go wide as I look across the hallway towards where Nate Jacobs locker was before looking back at Elliot and smiling. 

"As you wish" I say before I take the pin out of my hair and walk towards Nates locker. I glance around quickly before my eyes find Elliots, Rues, Nyla and Jules who were all giggling watching me. Elliots eyes widened as he sarcastically held up his thumbs and shaking them giving me an exaggerated thumbs up. I rolled my eyes before continuing to pick at the lock on Nates locker. Just as I heard the click I threw the locker door open and quickly looked around at my surroundings. The mouths of my friends had now dropped open and I smirked before going through the locker. There was basically nothing in here. Not that I expected any less from Nate Jacobs. But then I noticed a pen laying on the bottom of one of the shelves. It was small but Elliot never specified what I had to steal. I quickly gripped the pen but in the height of it I could hear my friends screaming my name and suddenly I was pushed away from Nates locker and slammed against the one next to it. 

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