Ruminations: Big and Little Bullys. IV

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"That's a good-ass plan." I state for the first time as Rue tells me all about her plan for getting drugs for free. 

"Thank you. f*ckin' Fez didn't even wanna hear it." She says rolling her eyes and I stop her in her tracks 

"No it is a good-ass plan, if you weren't doing more drugs than your body can handle and if you could walk straight without slamming into a wall" I comment and she glances over at me her face now in a pout 

"You were being sarcastic?" she comments and I nod 

"Listen I meant what I said, it's a good plan, but these are dangerous people Rue, and a dangerous business to be a part of, you might be able to do it if your sober, but you're not, and then what happens if your mum finds out, you reckon she's not going to freak out, because personally I think she's going to either burn it or flush every last drug down the toilet" I say and Rues eyes widen for a second as if the thought hadn't even crossed her mind but as if her attention span was the size of a childs, she simply looked behind me and scrunched up her face 

"Yo, Lex, what're you doin'?" Rue asks and I spin around to see Lexi was placing new flyers ontop of old ones. 

"Oh, just putting up fliers for this play I'm doing." she comments bubbly and I send a smile her way 

"What play?" I ask. The only thing is... Lexi hadn't told anyone about the play... including Cassie. That's what lead to Rue and I following her to the bathroom as she gave us hints as to what the play was about. 

"I'd actually love for you to read it." Lexi says as she looks at us in the mirror and sends a smile over our way 

"Yeah, for sure. Just, uh, send it to me." Rue says but she doesn't sound very convincing as she look around the room. Suddenly Cassie Howard came out of one of the stools and my mind wandered back to when I saw her and Nate rushing into his car together. There was something suspicious going on there. 

"Hey, Rue-Rue." Cassie says chirpily and my mouth hangs open when I look at her outfit 

"Hi, Cass. Wait, are you in the play?" Rue says as she looks over at Cassie with her face scrunched. It was clear as to why Rue thought Cassie was auditioning. Her dress was something out of the wizard of Oz and her makeup was light, almost childish as if she was trying to imitate a doll. Her hair was big as if she had spent hours curling it and styling 

"What play?" Cassie asks confused 

"Lexi's play." Rue says also clearly confused and I watched as Cassies eyes darted over towards her sister and I watch as a look of panic covers Lexis face 

"What do you mean, Lexi's play?" Cassie asks and Lexi straightened up slightly like a wary cat. 

"Uh, the play that Lexi wrote." Rue repeats clearly not picking up on the fact that Lexi hadn't told Cassie about her play and that she clearly didn't want to. 

"Oklahoma." Lexi quickly pipes in and now I was even more confused. I was almost a hundred percent sure that, that play had been put on by the drama department. Even from before I left East Highland. 

"What?" Cassie asks 

"The play's called "Oklahoma"?" Rue asks still not picking up on the vibe 

"No, the drama club's doing "Oklahoma." Lexi says and Cassie doesn't seem to even hear Lexis clear lie instead her clear focus was on Rue and her eyes had turned wide in hurt 

"Oh my god. Do I look like I'm in "Oklahoma"?" Cassie cries as she looks over at Rue who just turns to Lexi 

"Why would your play be set in Oklahoma?" Rue asks but Lexi didn't even have time to speak as she opened her mouth slightly ready to say something 

"You thought I was auditioning for "Oklahoma"?" Cassie cries before her eyes dart towards me and I throw my hands up in the air in surrender. 

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