Trying to Get to Heaven Before They Close the Door. III

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The house was deathly silent as I walked in. I stumbled through the darkness as I tried to rub off all memory of todays events. The stairs creaked as I made my way up, trying to find my way towards my room. Just as my fingers grazed the door handle, the floorboards creaked behind me and when I spun around I was met with a familiar bright smile that I had seen in these halls so many times before 

"How's it going J? Another late night trip I'm guessing?" Jakes familiar voice echoes the darkness and I could see the hint of his silhouette leaning against his door frame. 

"Good to see you dear housemate" I say with a smile and he flicks the light switch in the hallway on. I shut my eyes as the light blinds me. When my eyes open again Jake was smirking over at me and I tilted my head "What are you doing up so late?" I ask and he shrugs 

"I had to convince my brother not to follow the tracker he has on your phone" he says and I roll my eyes 

"Snap maps isn't your brother tracking me" I say and Jake chuckles crossing his arms over his body before he shrugs. 

"That wasn't the tracker I was talking about" he says with a wink before he slides back into his room, he was howling with laughter like a hyena as he continued whatever he was doing, before he decided to annoy me. I turned back towards my door before I slide it slowly open. I could already see his outline on the bed illuminated by his phone and as I crept closer I could see my bitmoji still at the place Fez had taken me to. I sighed before I walked towards him and took the phone from his hand placing it gently onto the ground before I crept into bed. Almost immediately he turned around and threw an arm over my body. I've always thought of the question of who would the first person I call be if things went wrong. When I had hypothesised those questions I obviously never believed that I would actually need to make that lifesaving call. Yet here he was. My one emergency call. The one person I had called when I had found my mothers lifeless body and I felt like the world was going to crash around me. 

"J?" he mumbles and I smile as I watch his eyes fly open. 

"You been up all night waiting for me Andy?" I whisper and he rolls his eyes before he pulls the blanket closer to himself. 

"I wouldn't need to if you just stayed in one spot" he says and I lift my hand up to run a hand through his hair. I couldn't quite tell you at the time what had forced me to call Andrew. The two of us had grown closer since I had first met the Andersons. I knew what would happen if I called him. Nyla would find out, so would Jake, so would their uncle and aunty, so would Cole. Cole whose room I slept in every single night and called my own. Cole whose clothes I wore to bed almost every night especially when I felt like I couldn't think straight. Cole who hadn't been my first phone call when my life was falling apart even though I knew he should have been. Cole who had been gone for nearly a month now. I knew part of the reason he left was because of me. He didn't say it straight to my face but I could tell he needed space. I could tell he was heartbroken and I could tell he felt hopeless. He didn't think he could help me anymore. So he left. And I was to weak at the time to tell him that even though I didn't know If I could trust him, he was the one person I wanted to be with me. He didn't just leave by himself. Nyla went with him, reluctantly, but she still went. She called me nearly everyday. She told me how much she hated being at her Grandparents. She told me she couldn't wait to go home. Sometimes she would accidentally talk about Cole before she stopped herself almost as if she remembered who she was talking to. 

"Please don't worry about me" I whisper and Andy shuts his eyes before a small smile sits on his lips 

"Just because you say it. Doesn't make me worry any less" he breaths out and I smile once more before I pull the blanket over myself and let us lie in the darkness. Andrew nearly passed out immediately but I found sleep a lot harder to come by these days. 

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