Trying to Get to Heaven Before They Close the Door. IV

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It was a couple of hours after the dinner before the Anderson twins were finally making a move to get me out the front door. the car ride started off kind of fun with Jake blaring his music while he drove happily. Even Andrew was having a good time as he nodded his head with the rhythm of the beat from the passenger seat. I of course got the back seat. The twins were inseparable at the best of times but I had been in the car with them enough to know that they always sat in the same spots. Like I said...the night was fun, until we had to stop at the gas station that's when all three of us seemed to stiffen when we spotted two people talking to each other. 

"Fuck man get down" Jake hisses over to his brother and the two immediately cower into their seats. I duck in the back seat, only peeking my eyes up enough so that I could watch the scene in front of me. Nate Jacobs talking to Cassie Howard. How truely suspicious. A girl who was notoriously known to be a relationship seeker and a boy who liked the prey on the vulnerable...what a match made in heaven. Except maybe it was more like hell. Because as much as I was for whatever the fuck they were doing...My mind also wandered towards Maddy. 

"Holy shit they're going in the car together" Andrew whispered as he watched them like a hawk. That's when Nate grabbed Cassies hand and she smiled over at him brightly with a look of...oh for fuck sake Cassie. I was sitting in a car all the way across the parking lot and even I could see the hint of love in her eyes. I would never understand why Cassie did that to herself. Love fucking sucked balls. Yet Cassie was determined to get as much as she could of it. 

"They're fucking" Jake cried as he waved his hands in the air like he couldn't quite believe it "Thats fucked up" he chuckles but Andrews face was stone cold as he watched the scene unfold in front of him 

"Get the fucking gas Jake and lets go" he states and Jake nods quickly before doing exactly that. Just as I went to go open my mouth to ask Andrew what the fuck that was about, I noticed the confused expression on his face. Andrew was rarely confused about things like that so whatever he was thinking I knew it would be overly complicated. 

"Alright lets go" Jake stated as he jumped back into his car and we went back to normal. The party was in full go as we arrived and almost as soon as we got there Maddy had found me. 

"Have a good new years" Andrew whispers as he nudges me towards Maddy whose eyes go wide as she sees me and she squeals as she attempts to run in the biggest fucking heels I had ever seen before she throws her arms around me. 

"You came" she cries and I smile as she pulls back 

"I came" I respond and she rolls her eyes before they dart around the room

"If I don't find a bathroom, I'm gonna spend New Year's with a fucking UTI. Does anyone know where the bathroom is?" She cries out as she looks around the room and a random guy turns to look her up and most guys did when it came to Maddy. 

"That way." The guy points towards a random hallway and she lets out a breath of relief

"Thank you." she drags out before she turns and looks at me. "Come with me" she states before she drags me down the hallway 

"Maddy come on I don't want to see you pee" I whine 

"Well as my friend you're going to have to see a lot of my Vajayjay which most people would beg to see so consider yourself incredibly lucky to be my friend" she says as she continues strutting down the hall but suddenly a familiar figure catches my eye. 

"Maddy, Jade have you seen Cassie?" Lexi asks as she stops us from walking 

"I thought she was with you." Maddy responds and Lexi sighs shaking her head 

"No, we like got in a screaming fight and she got out the car in the middle of the road." Lexi says and my mind flies back to what I saw at the gas station. 

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