9: irl

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"So where do you want to have it?" Kris Jenner questioned her second youngest daughter.

"Delilah. She loves it there. And make sure you invite her friends from home who moved here. She loves them. Also you have to make sure there is French Onion dip because she loves that too and if there isn't any then-" Kendall paced the room, nervously thinking of everything her girlfriend loved.

"Kenny we know. She's our friend too." Khloe joked, standing up and rubbing her sister's shoulders.

"And this isn't our first rodeo with surprise parties." Kourtney added with a smile making Kendall nod and sit back down on the couch in Kylie's living room.

"Have you asked her what's she doing on her birthday?" Kim questioned making Kendall shake her head no. "Why not?"

"I just assumed she'd want to do something with me."

"Assuming is never good honey. She's a busy and loved girl. Her family might want her attention." That made Kendall even more nervous. What if she already had plans. Kendall pulled her phone out quickly, going straight to her texts with Frankie.

The model pressed the call button and held it up to her ear. It rung twice, then picked up.

"Hey babe. Everything alright. I'm at breakfast with Kai."

"Hey love. Yes everything's fine I just wanted to know what you're doing on your birthday."

"Hanging with my extended family." Kendall's face dropped as the line went silent. Kendall gulped going to speak but Frankie cut her off. "Love I'm kidding. The only family I have in America are my parents and they know I wanna hang with you so they're celebrating the day after for me."

Kendall breathed out a breath of relief.

"Did you doubt me wanting to hang with you. I just assumed-"

"Me too! It's just my sisters scared me saying you wouldn't want to be with me."

"There's no one in this whole world I'd rather get older with." Kendall bit her lip as a blush covered her face.

"I love you. Have fun with Kai. Tell her I said hi."

"I will. Love you." Frankie kissed the phone and hung up.

"By the expression I'd say it's a go."

"Yes it is. She also assumed we were hanging out and that's why she's my soulmate."


Frankie pulled up to Kendall's house around 10:15, Chinese food in her hand. The girl grabbed her phone and charger, keys, then locked her car. The girl felt no need to bring a bag since a majority of her clothes were in Kendall's closet.

The girl got to the front door and knocked lightly. She had a key, but ever since she scared Kendall bad that one time, she limit the usage of unannounced entries.

Quickly, the door swung open and Kendall threw her arms around Frankie's neck, hugging the girl tightly. Frankie hugged back, feeling pure bliss. Although they had saw each other less than 24 hours ago, it was like the first time every time.

"Mmm" Kendall reached out for the food, as she walked back into her house. Frankie followed, closing and locking the door behind her. The model and singer walked through Kendall's cozy mansion, before entering the beautiful kitchen.

Kendall set the bag down and dug in, grabbing a bowl for the fried rice. Frankie smiled, the sound of paws tapping the floor making her look down the hall.

"Pyro! Come here boy." Frankie crouched down as the dog tackled her. He covered her face with wet kisses, making Frankie laugh uncontrollably.

"Bud leave some for me." Kendall joked, lifting more fried rice into her mouth. Pyro continued to kiss Frankie. "Dude she's mine."

Pyro got off finally, panting. He was running around excitedly, so happy to see his second favorite person after Kendall.

"He loves you." Kendall mentioned, looking into Frankie's as the girl opened her mouth. Kendall placed some rice in her mouth, which made Frankie smile.

"And I love him. Mutual love."

"When you move in, what do you say about getting another one?" Frankie couldn't believe her ears.

"Like another dog? You want another dog?!"

"Of course baby. It can be our child until we're both ready for real life kids." Frankie giggled excitedly, hugging Kendall. The girl let go and walked over to Kendall's junk drawer, rummaging through the stuff. Kendall watched as her girlfriend pulled out a pen and piece of paper.

"So obviously we'll get another Doberman because why the fuck not. They're beautiful. But names...what are you thinking." Kendall licked her lips, leaning her elbows on the counter as she smiled at Frankie.

"Completely up to you. I'll sign off on whatever babe."

"How about Duke. Or Diesel. If it's a girl Pepper or Ellie." Kendall loved behind Frankie, putting her arms around the girl as the singer wrote down tons of potential names. "And you're serious. We'll get another when I'm ready to move in?"

"The only other thing I've been more serious about is my undying love for you." Kendall said cheesily, kissing her girlfriend's cheek from behind.

"That was cheesy Ken."

"You make me cheesy."

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