32: irl

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After word of Frankie and Bazzi separating came to light, people rallied around Frankie. They made sure the girl knew Bazzi didn't deserve her and that she was made for someone else's love.

Frankie believed that whole heartedly, but it was hard. Bazzi had ruined her once more. The self-image she painted for herself, the confidence she had, the commitment she was willing to give. Bazzi took all of that in the matter of months.

And the drugs. A habit, an evil thing, that Bazzi reintroduced into her life. She hated him for that. Frankie wished she could punch him for that.

However, with the assistance of her best friend, Kaia Gerber, Frankie was going to relationship abuse therapy and attempting to become sober. Key word, attempting.

Kendall stayed on the outside for the most part, still livid that Frankie decided to not press charges on Bazzi. Kendall would do anything to take Bazzi by the face and smash it into a wall. Kendall became an angry person when thinking about what happened to her ex girlfriend.

Frankie didn't really communicate with her family anymore. I mean, she talked to her sister every weekend, but that wasn't anywhere near normal for them.

They used to be with one another each day. But now, it was like they were barely sisters.

Frankie had moved out of Kendall's house completely two weeks ago, shocking her ex girlfriend when Kaia Gerber walked in and grabbed her remaining things. Frankie remembered Kaia telling her exactly what Kendall said.

Something along the lines of, "Couldn't even face me herself?" Or something like that.

"You sure you wanna go with me?" Kaia questioned Frankie, making the girl nod once more.

"Kai I want to be there for you. Marc Jacobs is a big fucking deal." Kaia was grateful that she found a friend who supported all of her accomplishments. The girl was younger, and couldn't really find anyone quite like Frankie in the industry.

"I love you." Kaia leaned over the center console, placing a kiss on Frankie's cheek. The girl nodded, still paying attention to the road.

"I love you too Kai."


Kaia's perfume ended up being a huge success, and it made Frankie to see the girl happy. She was so proud of Frankie.

Right now, however, Frankie was too busy forming lines of dust in the venue bathroom. She loved Kaia, but the girl rarely had fun without drugs anymore.

Like her experience a year and a half ago, she fell in love with the feeling. The feeling of floating. The world going quiet, yet being so loud.

Frankie rolled of dollar up, put her finger over her left nostril, and leaned down. Quickly, the girl positioned the dollar above the first line. Breathing in, the drug traveled into her system.

She felt her body go numb quickly, and loving the feeling, she finished the two other lines. Letting her body go, Frankie giggled. A smile formed across her face, as she leaned against the cold wall within the bathroom.

Her hands went above her head as she danced to the faint party music from outside. Frankie was so engrossed with herself that didn't even realize someone walked in.

"Frankie what are you doing?" Frankie stopped dancing quickly, her eyes meeting those of Bella Hadid. The smaller brunette let her head turn to the bathroom counter, eyes landing on the small bag of cocaine.

Bella felt her face drop as she saw the bag. She couldn't be sure, but she was almost positive it was cocaine. Her jaw clenched and she kicked her lips, unsure of how to deal with this.

"Let me just-" Frankie stumbled over to the counter, grabbing the baggie and shoving it into her bra.


"Make sure you tell her fuck you when you run back to tell her this. Okay?" Frankie patted Bella's shoulder sluggishly, and reached for the bathroom door, leaving.

Bella stood there, frozen in place. The model looked around frantically, pulling out her phone from her little purse. Hands shaking and all, Bella quickly dialed Kendall's number.

The phone rang three times, but Kendall eventually picked up.

Kendall knew Bella was at an event tonight, so she knew Bella wouldn't call unless it was urgent.

"I have to take this." Kendall whispered to her sisters and mom, as she stood up and walked into the other room. By her expression, the sisters could tell it was serious.

"Bell everything-"

"I just saw Frankie using. I mean like I didn't see her, but I know she was." Kendall's heart dropped, immediately walking back into the dining room.

"Where are you? Is she okay?" Kendall asked frantically, making the sisters become worried. Kylie especially. She knew Kendall's tone. It was a tone she reserved for Frankie.

"I'll send you the address." Kendall's phone buzzed as she pulled it away from her ear and nodded. "I'll be there in ten."

Kendall was about to hang up, but she asked one last question. "Could you tell what it was Bella?"



Kendall pulled into the venue, her tires screeching as she slammed her breaks quickly. The model opened her car door, and saw Bella standing outside looking at her.

"Where is she?" Kendall asked to which Bella motioned to the side of the venue.

"She's bad Ken."

Kendall rushed over to the dark area, seeing her ex girlfriend stumble around in the alleyway. A little light above made her viable.

"Frankie. Frankie stop." Kendall walked up to the girl, reaching for her arms. Frankie backed off immediately, looking up to Kendall.

Kendall's heart broke as she looked deep into Frankie's eyes. They weren't that beautiful green she loved, instead more a dull grey.

"Don't touch me. I told Bella to tell you, fuck you." Frankie was slurring her words, and struggling to talk.

"Frankie we need to get you home." Kendall could care less about what Frankie was saying to her at the moment. All the model cared about was the girl's safety.

"I don't want to go home!" Frankie shouted, smiling at her own behavior.

"Francesca I'm serious. Let me get you home." Kendall was pleading with the girl, reaching for her arm.

"I don't want to go anywhere with you! You did this to me! You ruined me!" Kendall knew this was the drugs talking, but it hurt.

The model already felt like it was her fault. Everyday she dealt with guilt, and worried that if something bad happened to Frankie, she wouldn't survive it. Because it would be her fault. In Kendall's mind, she created this monster.

"This wasn't my fault." Kendall let it slip, looking to Frankie with sad eyes, "You can't say this was my fault."

"I can say whatever the fuck I want. You cheated! I loved you Kendall. So fucking much. And you fucking cheated. For what? That good dick?" Frankie was screaming at this point, her words cutting deep into Kendall's skin.

"Loved?" Kendall whispered, her voice cracking.

"Yeah loved. I don't love you anymore."

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