40: irl

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"How do you even handle a situation like this? I mean-the information is out there." Kourtney genuinely asked, looking towards her mother, who usually had a solution for everything.

"Well I've already sued both Bazzi and Sofia's management. The lawsuits are pending as we speak, so if they hold, we will rob them." Kris explained to her girls as they sat in the living room of Khloe's house.

This was nostalgic, taking them back to the Kylie and Jordyn scandal many years ago. This had the same energy and it made all of the girls uncomfortable.

"But money doesn't change what she did." Kendall whispered under her breath, her voice not as quiet as she thought.

"Of course honey, but actions must have consequences no matter what." Kim pulled her younger sister in for a hug.

Realistically, Kendall had been deprived of touch. Francesca was avoiding her and it was blatantly obvious. Kendall knew to give Frankie her space. After all, Kendall didn't even know Sofia that well. And it surprised Kendall how little she knew about the blonde girl.

Kendall didn't even know the extent to which Sofia verbally harassed Frankie. But by the look on Frankie's face once Kendall and Kylie finally found the girl, it was heartbreaking.

"Have you talked to her? Since-"

"I mean a little. I called her last night but Kaia was over so..." Kendall looked down at her hands, playing with them as she mentioned Kaia.

It was no secret that Kendall was jealous of Kaia. All Frankie was reassure the older girl that the younger model and her were just friends, and Kendall believed her. But it was Kaia that worried her. Kaia had feelings for Frankie, and Kendall knew about them. Kaia had confessed them first hand to her.

Kendall honestly didn't know if those same feelings remained, but she didn't care. Frankie preferred Kaia over her, and that hurt.

"Y'know she's not picking Kaia over you sweetie. Kaia is her best friend and at the end of the day, Frankie has no idea about Kaia's feelings. You can't get mad at her." Khloe said softly, defending Frankie a little.

Kendall nodded her head, agreeing with everything Khloe said. Khloe had a point and Kendall knew it. Frankie just needed her best friend right now. And that was okay.


Later that night, Frankie showed up to Khloe's house. The sisters had extended the invite to her earlier, but the girl was at Kaia's so she decided to stop by later.

Currently, Frankie was laying in Kendall's arms, watching a movie as Kim and Kourtney made some dinner in the kitchen. Kylie and Khloe sat on opposite sides of the huge couch.

Kendall's fingers were running up and down Frankie's skin, comforting the girl as she stared at the movie screen. The model moved some hair behind Frankie's ear, scratched her scalp softly.

"You okay?" Kendall whispered, making Frankie shake her head no. The singer lifted her body up slowly and moved her legs to straddle Kendall's torso. The action would've made Kendall excited usually, but the tears forming in Frankie's eyes made the model's face soften dramatically.

Frankie wrapped her arms around Kendall's torso, shoving her head into the model's neck. Kendall hugged the girl in her lap, caressing her back, drawing stupid figures.

"It's okay. Well get this all sorted out."

"She still said it Kenny." Frankie cried, her voice shaking. This made Kendall tighten her grip on the girl, placing small kisses on her shoulders.

"I need you to know that whatever she said, she was lying."

"There were truth to her words Kendall." So this was the real problem. Something Sofia said had Frankie fucked up and Kendall had no idea what it was.

"What did she say?" Kendall asked softly, not knowing if she wanted to know what Sofia said.

"That I was just a druggie. Who you could never love." Kendall sat up at Frankie's words, placing her hand on Frankie's cheek quickly. Kendall searched Frankie's glossy eyes, and it was in that moment that Kendall saw it. Frankie believed Sofia's words.

It made Kendall want to cry.

"I mean-maybe she's right. Maybe-" Kendall quickly silenced the girl in front of her with a soft kiss on her lips.

Kendall pulled away, wiping a falling tear from Frankie's eye with her fingertip.

"She will never be right. I will love you forever Frankie. I will forever love everything about you. Your highs, and the lows." Kendall said slowly and softly, her eyes speaking loudly alongside her actually mouth. Kendall just wanted Frankie to know how much she loved her.

"I never stopped loving you Kenny." Frankie whispered, making Kendall's heart speed up. "I just said that. I cant stop loving you. No matter how hard I may of tried."

"I know." Kendall whispered, pulling the now crying girl in for a hug. "I love you."

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