37: irl

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"Didn't even bother to cover it up did you?" Hailey giggled, sipping at her champagne. Kendall's eyebrows furrowed visibly, making Hailey giggle some more.

The Bieber girl grabbed her phone from her pocket, pulling up the camera and taking a quick picture. Kendall blushed as Hailey showed her the picture of the small hickey on her collarbone.

"Glad to see you two are getting back to old habits."

"How do you know it's from her?" Kendall asked, rummaging through her little purse looking for her emergency concealer.

"Who else would it be from Kendall. You're wearing her initial around your neck. Old habits can be good baby." Kendall blushed again, reaching for the chain around her neck and covering it in an embarrassed manner. "Hey Kenny, it's cute. You look good. I mean you're glowing and I'm not just saying that to be cliche. This is good for you."

"You really think so?" Hailey's opinion mattered most to Kendall. After all, Hailey was the model's best friend.

"I know so. She is so good for you. And you're even better for her. It is the most mutualistic relationship I think I've ever seen to be honest."

"That's so good. Hearing that from you I mean. I mean- I know I want her. I know that I can't be without her. But I was doubting whether it was good for me."

"Well how do you feel?" Hailey questioned holding her coffee in her hand as the doorbell rang. "The girls. Continue talking."

"I love her."

"Tell me something I don't already know KJ." Hailey giggled from down the hall. The Bieber girl opened up the door, letting Bella, Justine, Gigi, and Kylie pile in.

"Kenny babe! You ready for tonight!" Bella yelled entering the kitchen and heading straight for the refrigerator.

Tonight Kendall was holding another 818 party. 818 had been out for sometime, but Kendall enjoyed throwing little parties every now and then. And by little, these parties were huge. Celebrities from all over were invited. It was the craziest mix of people, but Kendall lived for it.

"Hell yeah you know I am." Kendall said back, smiling brightly as Bella grabbed a water.

"Holy fuck! When did you and Frankie fuck!?" Kylie shouted, grabbing her older sister and pushing her head to the side.

"Ow..." The girls were too busy going crazy about it to even realize Kendall was in an uncomfortable position.

"I know! I was like whattttt." Hailey said making the girls talk louder.

"When was this Ken?" Justine questioned

"Looks fresh." Bella joked, sipping at her water.

"Two nights ago." Kendall answered

"Oh?! So is our couple back together?" Kylie said excitedly, letting Kendall's neck go. Kendall rubbed her neck a little, the position Kylie had her in making it tight.

"No. I know she wants it, but I want to give her a little more time. Just to make sure."

"To make sure!? Bitch the hickey on your neck speaks volumes!" Gigi piped up, making the others girls laugh and nod.

"Well you can ask her tonight. She's invited."

"I'd be disappointed if she wasn't...clearly she can't get enough of you." Kylie said with a smirk, flicking the hickey on her older sister's neck teasingly.


Kendall was engrossed with a conversation, when a figure caught her eye. The person was turned away from her, but she knew it was Frankie. The girl had people surrounding her, one of those being her sister. The two girls stole the show and Kendall wasn't about to complain, her girlfriend was sexy.

"Hey Zack, I'll be right back." Kendall tapped her friend Zack Bia's shoulder lightly. He nodded, following her eyes and seeing Frankie.

"Of course Ken." Zack said with a smile. He just returned to talking to Steve Lacy, a good friend of Justin's that Hailey invited.

Kendall waltzed over to Frankie, her heart racing. However, Frankie must've sensed the girl or something because she turned. Frankie disregarded everyone around her, and walked straight to Kendall.

"You look so-" Kendall was cut off with Frankie's lips on her own. Kendall kissed back just as Frankie pulled away. "Good"

Frankie giggled lightly as Kendall finished her sentence. Kendall looked around, but Frankie just grabbed her hand and assuringly smiled at her.

"As do you. I love this." Frankie toyed with the necklace around Kendall's neck, making the model blush profusely. Kendall nervously looked around, making Frankie reach forward and rest her hand on her cheek.

"The party is amazing Ken. Everyone is having so much fun. You're okay." Kendall nodded lightly, a smile forming as Frankie settled her nerves. Frankie always knew when Kendall was nervous about an event.

"Frankie! My girl!" Fai ran over, a shot glass in his hand. Frankie immediately hugged Fai, making Kendall giggle lightly. Her heart swelled for Fai. He missed the girl more than most people knew.

"This for me?" Frankie questioned making him grin and hand it over to her. The younger girl took the shot glass, brung it to her lips, and knocked it back. She grimaced a little, shaking her head softly. "Mmm that's good Ken."

"Añejo. I knew you'd like that one."

"Say it again." Frankie reached forward placing her finger on Kendall lip, dragging it downward. Fai's eyebrows went up as he watched the girl. Kendall blushed again.

"Añejo." Frankie's eyes rolled back as she moaned audibly. Kendall's stomach rumbled with butterflies, as she bit her lip.

"I love when you speak Spanish baby. So sexy." Frankie set the shot glass down, and placed a kiss on Kenny's neck before walking past her and straight to Kylie who was with Stas.

"When did she get so-"

"Irresistible?" Kendall finished for Fai, making the boy nod aggressively.

"Dude. She is something else. Absolutely fire."

"And she's mine. Watch your eyes." Kendall jokingly shoved her best friend as he held his hands up defensively.

"Of course."

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