33: irl

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Later that night, Kendall went home to her house and cried. She felt empty. Her heart was on the ground, getting stomped on. Her words echoed through the model's brain.

Did Frankie didn't love her anymore.

The thought made Kendall want to die. She needed to put her feelings and heartbreak into something, or this was going to destroy her.

The model decided to grab a journal from inside her closet. Kendall grabbed a pen from her nightstand and began to write. She angrily scribble all of her feelings down. There were moments where she cried. Uncontrollably. Her tears soaked the pages.

Her body ached without the presence of Frankie. Her heart was in pain, and she felt betrayed. How could the girl she loved most move on so quickly.

Kendall had seen the headlines. Frankie running around with Kaia Gerber everyday. The girl Frankie told Kendall to not worry about. The girl Kendall was told didn't matter. But the look in Frankie's eyes always told a different story.

And Kendall wrote it down. The shell-shocking, vein bursting pain that Francesca Garbigo inflicted upon her gentle heart. Kendall knew she didn't deserve this, but she wanted this.

She still wanted Frankie.


It was rainy the next week or so. Dark clouds formed over Beverly Hills during Kendall's weekly lunch with her friends.

Taco, Fai, Hailey, and Justine watched their friend survey the sky. It hurt them just as much to see Kendall this way.

Kendall stared and stared towards the clouds, knowing Frankie was looking at them somewhere else.

Her ex-girlfriend loved stormy days. She loved the way rain smelled. And she loved lightning. The concept of pure electricity striking the earth she stood on fascinated the shit out of her.

Kendall's mind barely rested anymore. The thoughts of what once was controlled her brain. Everything Kendall saw reminded her of Frankie.

Traffic lights. The looks they shared at a red light. The intimacy present as Frankie turned her head to face Kendall's. Her hand resting on Kendall's inner thigh.

Trees. The hours spent under Frankie's trees in her backyard. Laying under the stars and naming their favorite constellations.

Rain. Frankie's smile as droplets pattered the windows. Her deep breaths as she took in the scent of the precipitation. The calmness that spread across her face.

Kendall's own bed. Reminiscing on the time they spent there would always hit Kendall the worst. The late night talks, the stolen kisses, the warmth, the closeness, the pillow talk.

Everything that Kendall used to enjoy suddenly aligned with heartbreak.

"Kendall." Fai's voice made the model sit up, and look towards him. He smiled, motioning toward the waitress as she held a water in her hand. Kendall reached forward and grabbed it, thanking the girl. When the waitress walked away, Hailey reached across the table and grabbed Kendall's hand.

"Kenny we're worried about you."

"What? Why?" Kendall asked, sitting up a little.

"You know why Ken. You have bags under your eyes. You haven't touched the food. You keep dazing off." Hailey read her like a book, pointing out each thing she did in reaction to Frankie.

"We want to help Ken."


And that's what they did. Kendall's friends and family spent the next two weeks repairing the model's heart.

The hole that Frankie left would never fully close, but it was being slowly filled in. Kendall began sleeping more, and making sure to eat nourishing meals.

The occasional, "How's Frankie?", from those who didn't know, or her nieces and nephews asking for their aunt would send her back into her shell. But her friends and family helped her each time.

Per Kendall's request, the family gathered for a little dinner at Kylie's tonight. Scott grilled up his famous steak which Kendall loved.

"So Ken, what do you want to do for your birthday?" Khloe asked, cutting her steak as she spoke. Kendall shrugged, the thought of spending a birthday without Frankie occupying her mind.

"I say a party." Kylie said with a smile

"Of course you say a party." Kourt responded with a teasing smile. A knock from the door interrupted the teasing smile, to which Kourtney stopped speaking.

"I'll get it." Kanye offered, standing up and making his way towards the front door. Kendall continued to eat, sipping down some wine as she did so.

"Kendall! It's for you!" Kanye's voice traveled down the hall. Kendall stood up immediately, the tone of Kanye's voice making her worry. The model set down her fork and made her way through the hallway and towards the foyer.

The girl Kanye stood in front of shocked Kendall. Why was she here. After all this time, why did she finally show up. What had changed? What was wrong?

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