24: irl

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Frankie was currently sitting in James Corden's studio, with Kris Jenner. Both women were watching as Kendall sat across from James.

The two had been talking for a bit, entertaining the crowd with Kendall's life and whatnot. Frankie enjoyed watching and listening to her girlfriend speak. Kendall's voice was gentle, and soft. It made her feel at peace.

"Speaking of relationships, you're currently in one yourself?" This caught Frankie's attention. James' question made Kendall smile uncontrollably, as the crowd clapped for her lightly. "Taking that as a yes?" Frankie giggled to herself.

"Yes I am." Kendall said bluntly, her eyes darting to Frankie's. Frankie smiled brightly, which in turn, made Kendall smile. James moved his head to see where Kendall was looking, staring straight at Frankie.

"And she's here!" James yelled excitedly. Frankie blushed, putting her head into her hands. People clapped for Frankie, including Kendall. "Wanna know something?"

"Hm?" Kendall hummed, tearing her eyes away from her sexy girlfriend.

"I've asked your girlfriend and her team to come on the show three times!" Kendall's jaw dropped into a surprised smile, as the crowd laughed. Frankie leaned back, rubbing her forehead in embarrassment. "All three times she said different excuses!"

"I was sick!" Frankie defended herself, calling from the top where family and friends could sit. The spectators laughed once more, making James laugh a little.

"Three times!"

"She does get sick a lot." Kendall said making Frankie hold out her hands towards Kendall, and nod. "She always talks about wanting to come on the show."

"Mhm. I'll believe it when I see it." Frankie held up her hands, "Even though she's here, I'm still going to ask questions about her y'know?"

"I know." Kendall said with a smile.

"So...how is it! Dating a liar." James said with a pout, making Kendall and the crowd laugh again. Frankie flipped him off quickly, making him laugh.

"It's great. And she's actually one of the most truthful people I know. Almost tells the truth too much." The crowd coos at Kendall, awwing.

"I see Kris up there. So she's met the fam I imagine?" Kendall nodded, looking up to where James was looking. Kris waved to him, making him wave back. "They like her? I don't care that she can hear, you can be honest." He winked.

"Oh my gosh they love her. My sisters and brother love her. My mom and dad both love her to pieces. Corey loves her. She's just amazing." The crowd awwed again, making Kendall blush.

Frankie was smiling down at her girlfriend.

"How about the kids?"

"They call her aunt if I'm being honest." Once more, the crowd awwed, but a lot louder this time which made Kendall smile. "Mason actually has a crush on her. And sometimes I get like, jealous. It's like okay, she's mine."

Everyone took a turn to laugh at that, James even clapped a little.

"And I'm possessive but it's sad that I get this way over her and my nephew!"

"What's your favorite thing to do with her?" James questioned, peaking Frankie's interest.

"Watching the stars. Frankie is a nerd when it comes to the constellations and all things space. I love listening to her speak for hours about each one. It's my favorite thing ever." The audience coos at Kendall's cute response. Frankie even took the time to gush over her girlfriend's response.

"Cassiopeia is her favorite."

Frankie smiled brightly, thinking of how much her girlfriend truly listened. These small details. Kendall heard it all. And it made Frankie fall harder.


"Want anymore fried rice?" Frankie asked, eating some out of the container with chopsticks. Kendall shook her head, texting back Hailey. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah of course." Kendall said calmly, setting her phone down. "Would it be okay if I went to a basketball game tomorrow night?"

"Ken you don't have to ask me to go out with your friends. I'll find something to do. Maybe see Kaia or something." That made Kendall bite her tongue. Kendall would cancel her plans simply to keep Frankie away from Kaia.

Kendall knew Kaia liked her girlfriend, and it made the model incredibly jealous.

But Kendall kept it in. It wasn't fair to Frankie if Kendall made a big deal over it. Frankie never made a big deal over Kendall going out around guys and girls who may be interested. Frankie trusted her. So Kendall trusted Frankie.

"What team?" Kendall hummed, looking up to her girlfriend who sipped some water. "Like what team are you going to watch?"

"The Phoenix Suns."

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