30: irl

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TW: RA+ drug abuse
(3 month time skip)

In the past 3 months, Kendall heard little of Frankie. The occasional article came about her, alerting Kendall to her awful habits. Each article just made Kendall worse mentally, and her family and friends saw it.

The internet ate the couple's breakup up. This was no shock since both girls were loved by all. Kendall stayed single in those months, not able to even look at someone as she looked towards Frankie.

However, as the days past, Kendall got better. Her friends and family dedicated themselves to cheering up Kendall at all costs. They kept her happy, and distracted. Devin was a big factor in this. Recently, the two released to the public that their friendship was extremely platonic and that Kendall was still dealing with horrifying breakup with Francesca Garbigo. Devin made sure Kendall was always smiling, and ensured that when the girl got sad, she knew he was there. He was always there. Kendall truly loved him, as a friend.

"Kenny this is huge! We have to celebrate!" Devin said excitedly, all of their friends agreeing.

"I don't know. It's not that big of a deal." Kendall responded making all of her friends laugh.

"Not a big deal!? Kendall this is your own tequila company! It's huge!" Bella said with a huge smile on her face. Kendall smiled as all of her friends agreed with Bella. It warmed her heart to see the people she loved most proud of her.

"Okay fine...a little party. Nothing big. Just us, and a few others. Invite who you want, but keep it small please." Kendall begged, making everyone nod and whip their phones out like teenagers. A knock interrupted their talk, making Kendall stand up.

"You expecting anyone Kenny?" Fai asked in a concerned manner. Kendall shook her head no, making Fai stand up and follow the model. Kendall didn't mind her friend's protective behavior because recently she has had a few stalker cases. Fai stood back, watching as Kendall reached for the large door.

The model opened it slowly, the air getting caught in her throat as she saw the disheveled figure of Francesca Garbigo. The girl was crying, her mascara running down her face. Her beautiful hair was messed up, and her clothes were crooked. Frankie quickly rushed into Kendall's arms, waiting no time to even let Kendall think about letting her in.

Kendall didn't understand. What was she doing here? Why was she crying? What happened?

Kendall decided to stay quiet, just rubbing her ex-girlfriend's back in the most gentle way. All Frankie did was sob. This was something serious.

"You're okay Fran. I got you." Kendall whispered, kissing her head softly. Questions raced around the model's head but she stayed quiet.

"C-Can we go to your room?" Frankie whispered in Kendall's ear as she realized Kendall had people over. The model nodded, looking over to Fai and giving him an unspoken signal. He nodded back and re-entered the living space. Frankie pulled away from Kendall and slowly made her way behind the singer.

When Frankie entered Kendall's room, she started to cry again. Kendall just held her, letting her sink to the floor. Frankie's reaction to whatever happened was scaring Kendall, but once more, the model stayed silent.

"I didn't know where else to go." Frankie sobbed into Kendall's chest, lifting her head up. Kendall took the moment to wipe away the beautiful girl's tears and dripping mascara.

"You can always come here Frankie. Always." The singer bit her lip, nodding. "Can you tell me what's wrong? It's okay if you can't."

"H-He h-he...I can't." Frankie whispered, more tears openly flowing from her eyes. Kendall nodded, kissing the girl's cheek. Frankie flinched away making Kendall's face contort in sadness.

"What did he do?" Kendall didn't mean to sound angry or mad, but it for sure came out that way as pieced it all together. Frankie cried a little bit more, but soon sniffled, pulling it together.

"He hits me." Those words alone made Kendall want to ruin Bazzi's life. The model could beat the shit out of him right not and give two fucks. But she put on a caring face, nodding with clenched teeth. "But tonight he-"

Frankie swallowed, reaching for Kendall's hand. The model quickly accepted the touch, caressing her soft hand.

"He choked me." Frankie whispered, tilting her head for Kendall to see. It took everything in Kendall to not stand up, grab her keys, drive to his house, and murder him. Frankie started to cry again, sobbing, as she sunk into Kendall's hold.

"You're okay. We're gonna be okay love."

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