11: irl

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"So...I got us reservations at Le Comptoir." Frankie's jaw dropped as she looked over to her girlfriend who was watching the road and twirling her hair with one hand.

"Kenny! Le Comptoir! How long ago did you plan this?"

Le Comptoir had to be the hardest place in LA to get reservations at. The food was amazing and the scenery was even better. People made reservations years in advance for the specialist occasions.

"Eh a couple months ago. I know a guy."

"Oh who's this guy?" Frankie questioned tilting her head, as she tried to look into Kendall's eyes.

"Fine I reserved this after we celebrated last year's birthday. You were so sad last year on your birthday and I wasn't gonna let another one go down like that." The singer leaned across the center console, and placed a quick kiss on the corner of her girlfriend's lips.

"You're so damn cute."


Kendall Jenner knew that her girlfriend never really broke rules. She didn't and hadn't drank underage to date. Frankie was a good-girl, which Kendall loved. Kendall loved that her girlfriend followed rules and didn't get drunk as a teenager. It made her incredibly more attractive than she already was.

So the first thing the model did was order a bottle of wine which would go untouched. Frankie hadn't even sat down and Kendall already requested a bottle of the finest wine they had. The taller girl walked over to her girlfriend's chair and pulled it out, allowing for her to sit.

Frankie thanked the girl, before grabbing the menu and searching over it. Kendall hadn't moved. Her brunette orbs searched her girlfriend's features, absorbing them like it was the first time all over again. The Jenner girl felt her eyes burn as she sucked in a deep breath. Feeling her heart palpitate in her chest, feeling it race like a NASCAR, Kendall reached in her pocket.

Quickly, the model grabbed the box and held it in her hand.

"Kenny what are-babe what's wrong." Frankie reached across the table, wiping the stray tear that flowed from Kendall's eye.

"I want to ask you something." Kendall whispered making Frankie nod and listen passionately. "Words simply can't sum up the way I feel for you. That's corny as fuck but that's our love. Your love, the love we share, it takes me on a roller coaster ride. Our highs, I never want to come down from. And the lows, I'll be there for them all. I want you to know something Francesca Lucia. I've never loved someone the way I love you. The burning feeling in my gut every time I see you, I know what I want." Kendall was speaking with so much emotion that Frankie had even let a tear escape down her cheek.

The model reached into her pocket and pulled out the box. Frankie immediately stopped, and looked up to Kendall.

"It's not an engagement ring. It's a promise ring. But that's cheesy so I'm calling it a Kenny ring." Frankie giggled, wiping her cheek. "Just know that I want to marry you someday and that I'll always be built to love you. This ring symbolizes so much more than my love for you. Even when we're apart, I'm with you. In here," Kendall reached to touch Frankie's heart. Kendall couldn't help but smile brightly, feeling Frankie's pounding heart.

"You feel that?" Frankie asked, her voice cracking. The singer placed her hand on top of Kendall's to keep it in place. Kendall watched as the singer let tears form in her beautiful eyes. "My heart beats for you Kendall Jenner. It beats like an army of drums, preparing for battle. Your love runs wild like a herd of stallions, and slithers itself deep into the veins of my heart like a snake. And I never want that feeling to stop. You hear me? Never. So yes. I'll take your Kenny ring and I promise to love you forever and a little more after." Frankie's words stung. They hit Kendall in every weak point she had. It was the best pain. The pain that only love could cause.

Kendall laughed a little, not caring that she was crying know. Frankie made her vulnerable, but in the best way. She didn't care that paparazzi were probably watching the scene unfold. She didn't care that people didn't accept her and her love for Frankie. All she cared about was her.

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