34: irl

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"Kaia?" Kendall questioned, to which Kanye backed up and exited the room. The look on Kaia's face made Kendall walk forward. "What's wrong?"

"I need help Kendall. I didn't know who else to come to. Frankie-she-"

"What is it? What happened to her?" Kendall set her hands on Kaia's shoulders comfortingly.

"She's out of control Kendall. The drugs. She needs help. I don't know what to do." Kendall knew Kaia would come soon. The girl was young, and didn't know Frankie off of drugs.

"Do you know where she is now?" Kaia nodded, taking out her phone. Kaia pulled up her texts, showing Frankie texting about going out. It was late, and Frankie seemed to be high from the texts.

"I told her not to go out but she was screaming at me. Telling me I'm possessive and that she's never want-" Kaia stopped, looking down at the ground. Kendall understood exactly how she felt so the model pulled the younger girl in for a tight hug. Kaia needed it more than Kendall knew. Frankie wasn't an affectionate person on drugs, so Kaia was deprived.

"It's okay Kaia. We'll find her." Kendall was thinking about what she was going to do as she said this. How could she find her? She could be anywhere in LA.

"I think she's at On Sight. That club downtown. She talked about wanting to go there a lot but since I'm underage we never went."


And there she was. Through the large windows Kendall saw Frankie. She was dancing friskily against some guy, which made Kendall's blood boil. The model told Kaia to sit in the car since she couldn't come in as it was.

Kendall stormed to the entrance, the guards letting her right in since she was Kendall Jenner. The model made her way past everyone, bumping into some people as she looked for the figure of her ex.

The music was blaring, making it extremely hard to concentrate for Kendall. People were bumping into her and what not, but the model knew where she needed to go.

When her eyes landed on Frankie, she pushed through everyone to get to her.

"Please get away from her." Kendall asked the guy nicely, waiting to be mean. The guy nodded and turned around, walking away.

"Why can't I ever just have fun?" Frankie whined, turning around slowly as her eyes met Kendall's. Nothing had changed. Frankie still looked beautiful under the light, her colorful eyes glistening. However, the light also accentuated the dark circles beneath her eyes.

"You're out of control. Come here." Kendall grabbed the girl's arm, her skin cold. The model dragged the girl out of the club, and to the side where no one was. Kendall quickly took off her jacket and put it around Frankie's shivering figure.

"Kendall I thought I made myself clear. I don't want to talk anymore. What's done is done. Okay?" And for the first time in months, Frankie sounded like Frankie.

Her voice was soft, her expression even softer. Frankie hands were in front of her, nervously moving as she looked down to the ground. Kendall could tell the girl wasn't on drugs in the moment. Maybe some alcohol, but nothing hard.

"Francesca I know you don't mean that." The singer sighed, looking back up to Kendall, tears present in her beautiful eyes.

Like a wave, Kendall felt all her deepest emotions hit her like tiny bullets of love. It was like a breath of fresh air, seeing Frankie like this. Full of emotion, breath uneven, body shivering in the wind. It was as if there was hope for them. For Frankie.

As bad as it sounded, Kendall rejoiced seeing a tear roll down her former lover's cheek. Frankie was in there. Her feelings for Kendall were in there.

"We're not good for each other." Frankie whispered, wiping her tear quickly with the back of her hand. Kendall shook her head, searching Frankie's eyes for hesitation. And there it was.

"The only time I feel good is when I'm with you. Or thinking of you. Or touching you. You make me feel good Frankie and I know I do the same. I know he didn't make you happy, and I know what he did was fucked up. God, I could kill him for that." Frankie gulped, another tear falling as Kendall spoke to her. Kendall was ready to pour out her heart, vulnerable for catastrophic break at any moment.

"And I know you don't feel good on drugs. In the moment it seems amazing, but after you cry. You hate not speaking to your sister. Your best friend. But you don't want her seeing you like this. You stopped speaking to everyone you love because the thought of them seeing you like this is too much for your gentle heart to bear. And it hurts me to see it." Kendall's eyes began to water as her bottom lip quivered.

As for Frankie she stood there, sniffling as the girl she loved to pieces read her like an open book.

The feeling of warm hands in her own made Frankie flinch, but the familiar touch made her calm down. She looked down and saw Kendall's manicured fingers grazing over her dry hands.

"Look at me." Kendall whispered. Frankie's head lifted from the ground and met Kendall's brown eyes. "Tell me you don't love me. Tell me you hate me. If you tell me you never want to see me again, that's how it'll be. Just be honest with me."

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