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August 2020

I knock on Nate's door. It's been some hours now since the argument with Aaron, and I want to make sure he's okay. "Nate? It's Lizzie. I just came to check on you," I tell him, hoping he can hear me through the door.

He opens it and pulls me inside by my arm, catching me completely off guard.

"Woah, okay. Are you—" He doesn't let me finish the sentence. His lips find mine in a heated kiss, a surprised whimper coming out of my mouth. I pull back a little to take a breath. "Yeah, this will do," I say, kissing him again.

He grasps the back of my thighs and I jump, wrapping my legs around his middle, moving my mouth on his slowly. When his tongue swipes over my bottom lip, I don't waste any time and allow him in, tangling my tongue with his. He tastes good, sweet. I want more.

He sets my body on the desk in his bedroom, touching me everywhere. His mouth moves along my jaw in slow kisses, down my throat, biting the spot between my neck and shoulder. He makes a pleased sound when I arch my back into his touch.

"Nate," I breathe, his fingers touching my burning skin under the hoodie and t-shirt. I allow him to take my hoodie off, throwing it somewhere on the floor. "Wait," I say, gripping his shoulder.

"What?" His mouth keeps teasing my neck, his hands trying to take off my shirt.

I hesitate. How do I tell him without actually telling him? "I, huh..." Jesus.

He stops, moving back a little to look me in the face. "You're a virgin?" he asks, surprised.

I wince. "What? No. No, no I'm not. It's just..." I swallow, scratching my neck. "My parents... They can't know about any of this. They'll kill me. And then they'll kill you."

"Wait, what? Why's that?" He rests his hands around my waist, keeping our faces close.

Again, I hesitate. "They don't really like the idea of me being with someone they didn't choose...? I just don't want to get myself into something like this too quickly," I try, hoping it makes sense.

Nate nods, taking a step back. "All right. I understand." He does? "We'll go slow, then, okay? No need to rush anything." I smile sweetly, surprised by his understanding. "Hey, why don't I show you a bit around the town? Would you like that?" he suggests, helping me back on the floor.

Looking up at him with shining eyes, I bob my head. "I'd love that," I accept. "I'll go get ready."

I storm out of the room excitedly, making my way across the hall and putting on some decent clothes. When I open my door, I bump into a tall, hard figure. I massage my nose after crunching it against the wall of muscles, muttering a soft curse.

Of course, it's Aaron. Who else could it be? He stands in front of my room, studying me with dark eyes. I frown, annoyed. "What," I bite out, folding my arms.

Aaron licks his lips, and God damn me, I look there. I can't help it. His mouth is so sinuous and plump and— I need to stop staring at his mouth. "You guys leaving?" he asks, his voice flat and emotionless.

I decide to reply with the same amount of joy. "Yes."

He studies me for a while. Then, he reaches in the back of his jeans, taking something out of his pocket. He holds the square package between his index and middle finger, putting it right in my face. Oh my God. "I don't want another Nate running around the house. Take it," he orders, the condom reflecting the light.

I widen my eyes and gape at him. "You're disgusting. And embarrassing."

He remains in the same position. "Take it," he repeats.

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