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I'm gonna be honest... I kinda forgot to update 😬 I know, I'm a clown. SORRY EVERYBODY


November 2020

I'm still lying in Aaron's arms when, a few hours after our eventful afternoon, I wake up.

I blink against the last drops of sunlight pouring into his bedroom and squint a bit. When I look up I see him with his arm folded under his head and his eyes open, intensely watching the ceiling.

After clearing my throat, I mutter a simple, "Hi."

Surprisingly enough, Aaron looks at me and smiles. "Hey."

I pull my brows together and grin, looking at him better. "You're in a good mood," I point out.

He shrugs a shoulder. "Guess I am," he tells me.

I sit up to stretch my back, and while I do that Aaron's phone dings. He picks it up, looking at the screen. His face drops into a discouraged scowl. I frown. "Everything okay?" I ask him, lying back down next to him.

"Yeah," he sighs. "No. I don't know." I wait, giving him some time to decide if he wants to talk about it or not. Aaron turns to me and says, "It's Logan."

I blink a few times, scared. "Oh my God, is he okay? Did something happen to him?"

"No, no. He's all right. Physically speaking, I guess."

"Oh... You wanna, I don't know, talk about it with me, or do you prefer we do something to distract yourself or... I don't know, you tell me," I blurt out.

Aaron looks at me again, this time for longer. His eyes are a portrait of his mind's indecisiveness. Then, he shifts his position, snaking an arm around my waist and resting his cheek over my heartbeat, closing his eyes with a deep sigh.

I have to admit, I'm kind of in shock. I did not expect the Aaron Kingsford to just... cuddle. With me. I run a hand through his soft curls, comforting him as much as possible with my touch instead of my voice.

Aaron opens his eyes briefly and plays with the fingers of my other hand. Eventually, he starts speaking. "I think I might lose Logan."

I try not to show shock. "Why do you think that? Logan loves you," I note.

He bitterly scoffs. "Yeah. That's kinda the problem," he says.

"I don't understand."

"Logan said he's in love with me."

Oh. Crap. "I see. And you're not?" I ask for confirmation.

"Not with him."

Oh. "Okay..." I won't ask him anything else, because I don't want to risk hearing stuff I'm not ready to hear. "But Logan is your best friend. He's always known he wasn't... Your type." Then, I add, "Unless, of course, he is...?"

"You wanna know if I like guys?" he goes straight to the point.

"Well, do you?"

"Among other things."

I laugh a little at that. "Got it. But not Logan. Because..."

Aaron looks at me with sweet eyes. "Because he's not you."

I think the whole universe just stopped. "What... What do you mean?" I say in a whisper.

He rises off my chest and hoists himself up with his elbows, bringing our faces closer. "It means exactly what you think it means," he replies, his breathing crashing with mine.

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