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December 2020

This week school is closed. It snowed too much last night and apparently, the roads aren't safe.

Unfortunately, that means that everyone is stuck where they were yesterday. In other words, it means that Grace is stuck at Henry's place and Nate at whoever's house he spent yesterday afternoon.

Which leaves me and Aaron with an empty house. Oh, yeah.

To start the day, we were woken up by Grace calling Aaron. She asked if we were okay with staying on our own and if we needed anything. We obviously told her not to worry and to enjoy her week with Mr. Holloway.

At the moment, Aaron is taking a shower while I make some breakfast. He glared at me when I told him I wanted to shower before him. Alone.

The truth is, I like being a tease. I love being a tease. And it's so easy to tease Aaron. You just have to be a little flirty, move away when he tries to sneak a hand in your pants, and most of all, wear something he wishes he could take off instantly.

Let's just say that the short silk black nightgown I'm wearing is just perfect for that. Thank God this house has a wonderful heating system. It's basically July in the kitchen.

"Well, that's an unexpected sight," a voice says behind me as I cook on the stove. "Good morning, sweetheart." His voice is deeper than usual, and that sends actual shivers between my legs.

Aaron stands behind me, hugging my waist and pressing his chest against it, his chin resting on my shoulder. "Hello, gorgeous," I reply, flipping a pancake. "Hungry?"

"Starving," he replies, stroking my hip with his thumb.

As he's about to start speaking again, I stop him. "Don't make any dumb jokes or I swear to God I will castrate you."

He hesitates, then laughs. "Yes, Ma'am. I beg your pardon."

I raise my brows and twist my neck enough to see his pretty face. "Oh, you're begging now?"

With a scoff, he pinches my ass, making me yelp. "Are you gonna tell me why you're wearing this sexy little thing today?"

I shrug, turning off the stove. "I felt like it."

"Oh, yeah?" he murmurs against my skin, his palm finding the path to the hem of the nightgown.

He rides his hand towards my bare stomach. "Yeah." I take the plate with the pile of pancakes on it and move to the table, leaving Aaron standing in front of the stove. I hide a smirk.

"What was that?" he asks, confused.

"What was what?" I ask back, knowing exactly what.

"Why'd you move?"

"To serve the food?" I look at him, putting on my best act.

"Cut the crap. Did I do something?"


"Then why can't I touch you for longer than three seconds?"

"That's not true. You can touch me," I reply, arching a brow.

Aaron crosses his arms and scowls. God, he's gorgeous. Will his beauty ever stop striking me? "I'm confused."

"You can touch me," I repeat.

"Then why do you act like you don't want me to?"

"Because I..." A grin betrays me.

Aaron tilts his head and studies me like a wolf with its prey. Oh, I'm in trouble. "Are you teasing me?" he demands, his brows twitching.

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