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October 2020

It's around one in the afternoon when I knock on Cameron's door. I'd been wandering around for about three hours and a half when I received her phone call while walking, and we decided to meet up at her house, where she was studying with Davina.

The front door swings open and two arms wrap around my neck. "Oh, God, I'm so sorry about what Nate did. He's an asshole," Cameron squeals, holding me tightly.

I try to smile. "How do you know?" I ask her, pulling back a little from the hug and nodding at Davina, who gives me a kind smile.

"I was with Aaron when we saw him and that bitch. We should kill them both," she explains, crossing her arms.

Davina takes a step forward and rests a hand on the blonde's arm. "Hold your horses, Barbie. Liz, how have you been holding up?"

I take a deep breath, opening my mouth to speak. Instead, I find my wall falling apart, and salty tears wet my cheeks. My friends come forward and pull me into a double hug, comforting me with soft caresses on my back.

"Let's go upstairs and talk," Cameron says.

"I'll take the alcohol."



At six, we're still talking about how much of an asshole Nate is. During this time, we've eaten way too many cheerios while taking shots of gin every time someone referred to Nate with an insult. Thankfully, I'm not too tipsy, since we've stopped drinking after the first four shots.

Aaron has texted me a couple of times to check in on me, and I replied with a thumbs-up emoji. He answered with a, Be careful.

And, obviously, Cameron saw. "Oh... Someone's been busy, eh?" she teases me, poking me with her index finger. "It's okay, Liz. Aaron was too complicated for me, anyway."

Davina furrows her brows. "Excuse me? Have I missed a few chapters? You and Aaron are a thing?"

I widen my eyes and physically flinch. "What? No!
Are you crazy? I literally just broke up with Nate, for God's sake. Nothing is going on between Aaron and me..." I reply, although unable to hold eye contact. They both hum, unsatisfied. "Okay fine we made out once!" I blurt out, covering my face with my hands. "There. I said it."

Both girls laugh at me, and despite all the shit I just went through, they manage to make me laugh along with them. "Well? How did it happen?" Cameron asks, curious as always.

"It's a long story..." I try to evade their questions.

"We've got plenty of time," is Davina's reply. And, well, I have to tell them everything now, don't I?


When I get back home, I'm exhausted. I'm ready to climb in bed and slowly pass away with the episodes of Supernatural going. Doesn't that sound pleasing and peaceful?

Well, that's not happening. As soon as I step one foot inside the house, Grace's voice reaches my ears. She seems worried, which immediately sends a spark of concern to my brain. However, I soon realize that she's worried about me.

She shows up in front of my face and pulls me into a tight hug that knocks the breath out of my lungs. "Oh, God, Lizzie. Is everything okay? I heard you guys screaming earlier, but I didn't want to interrupt or anything. Are you all right? What happened?" she blurts out, checking out my face.

Despite everything, I offer her a lip-closed smile at her interest. "I'm okay," I tell her.

"You don't look it, honey. Come on, what happened? I promise to kick whoever's ass I need to beat." She makes me sit down on the couch, crossing her legs and waiting for me to explain.

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