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December 2020

Today's the third day here. Aaron has his first race this morning, so we're both forced to get up pretty early since we sleep in the same bed.

I should clarify what "pretty early" means for Aaron. The alarm goes off at six. Six. Now I know what you'll say: Lizzie, you made the poor man get up at five-thirty to see the freaking snow. True, but I am me and he is he. There are things that I'm allowed to do because I'm a very pretty, very funny, very amazing person, and he can't because he's not as pretty, not as funny, and not as amazing as moi.

So, I'm obviously allowed to have a reaction when the ringtone of the alarm fills the room. I groan, annoyed, and mumble, "Turn that off."

"I gotta go," he murmurs in his morning voice, kissing my forehead. God bless the male morning voice.

I cling to him, grunting. "No. Stay here. It's early."

"Really? You're gonna pull that card with me now?" he asks, mostly amused.

I raise a shoulder in half a shrug. "I can."

He scoffs. "Yeah? Whys's that?" he asks, sitting up as he looks for his sweater.

"Because, look at me. How could you ever say no to this face?" I ask rhetorically, giving him dumb puppy eyes and pulling out my bottom lip like a child.

Aaron looks back at me and tilts his head. "Are you wearing my sweater?"

Still holding that stupid face, I reply, "Yes."

Aaron sighs, making me giggle at his patience. "May I have it back?"

I shake my head. "You'll have to force it off of me."

"Okay." His hands instantly find my bare skin underneath his sweater and my pj's top, freezing me to death.

I yelp, shivering. I curl up on myself, trying to get away from him. "You'll never get this back. It's mine now. My treasure."

"Lizzie," he grunts, but it sounds a lot like a moan. Oh, God. I think I have a boner.

"I don't want to give it back," I snap. "It's warm."

"I know, that's why I need it. Do you want me to freeze to death?"

"Do you want me to freeze to death?" I retort, glaring at him as I clutch the fabric as hard as I can.

Aaron inhales sharply and sighs. He rolls his eyes. "Fine. You can have it."

"Thank you."

He waves my comment off with a hand and gets out of bed in only a t-shirt and pants. He shivers, making me laugh. "I hate you."

I grin. "No, you don't."

Aaron sighs again. "No, I don't. But I'm still mad at you for giving me pneumonia at six in the morning. In December."

I laugh as he heads for the bathroom. I hear him turn on the shower, and decide that maybe I should go and apologize. With an eye roll, I get out of bed and head towards the bathroom. I undress myself and move the shower curtain, peeking inside. "Hi."

Aaron jumps a little, surprised. "Christ," he mutters, glancing at me. "You scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry," I apologize with a smile. "Can I?"

Aaron scoffs. "Is that even a question?"

I join him, grateful for the hot water streaming down our bodies. I lock my arms around his waist and rest my cheek on his chest. "How are you feeling about today?" I ask.

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