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October 2020

After confronting Nate and Aaron, I can feel my brain being all drained and dead. And do you know what could make this feeling go away? That's right. Alcohol.

I'm so glad today's Halloween. Which also happens to be on a Saturday. Dionysus must be watching over me and telling me that I do indeed need some wine — or others — in my system. I shall fulfill your honorable will, Dionysus.

When I enter the kitchen to start my day with a big breakfast, I find a few odd details awaiting. Detail number one, Nate is not here, which is weird since he doesn't have a match today. I suppose he didn't want to be around me, and I definitely don't mind being far from him for a few more hours.

Detail number two, however, shocks me slightly. There are some flowers on the table, wrapped in beautiful paper with a white bow and a note. Daffodils. My favorites. There's only one person that knows this tiny little fact about me.

I pick up the bouquet and take the note, smiling.

I missed you so much I had to come to visit. See you soon, stellina mia.
- Rosanna Rosy Rose xxx

I smile even more, excited to see my nanny again after a long while. I've missed her dearly too, so it's a wonderful surprise to know that she's coming here to see me.

Moving on, however, we have Detail number three. That is an unusual thing here. Never, in these few months I've spent here, have I seen Aaron Kingsford sitting at the table with his head resting on his arms, placed on the surface, sleeping. At nine in the morning.

He's usually outside, running, or working out. Why in hell is he at home, dead asleep on the table? Is he not feeling well? Should I call Grace? Oh, wait, she's out with Mr. Holloway. All right, I'll just wake him up and see if he's okay.

He's going to kill me. I keep repeating that to myself as I approach his still body. Inhaling before saying anything, I weigh my words. Jesus Christ, he's not actually going to kill me. Right? Yes. Of course! Come on.

I scratch my nape and then, in a whisper, I call him, "Aaron?" His body doesn't even shift an inch. I try again, daring a step closer. "Aaron?" When he again doesn't move, I sigh and stretch out a hand. I gently place it on his shoulder. I repeat his name one more time.

His eyelids tremble slightly, in an attempt to stay closed against the morning light. Aaron hums, but it seems he's already drifting back into his world of dreams.

I stop him before that happens. "Are you all right? Are you sick?" I ask him, taking my hand back. He hums. "Is that a yes?"


"A no?"


"Lord have mercy. Come on, let's get you to bed, yeah?"

I try to loop my arm under his, but he fights my attempt. "No," he mumbles, lying more comfortably — if that's even possible — on his arms.

I roll my eyes. "Come on, get up. At least lie on the couch," I insist, trying again to grab any part of him to move him out of the kitchen. "God, you're heavy," I groan. "Aaron, get your ass up!"

"No." His voice is tired, but I can see a playful smile forming on his mouth.

Oh, he wants to play? All right. I'll play. I move towards the sink, filling a glass with cold water. "I'll ask you one more time. Get up and go to sleep somewhere else."

Aaron inhales through his nose. "Nope."

"Okay. Have it your way." I throw the water at him, soaking his head and shoulders.

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